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Finn pov

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Finn pov.

I groan as my aunt Polly shoves me out the door into Watery Lane to give some muffins she made to our neighbours. The house directly in front of us is the only family we haven't met and Tom wanted to know about them.

"make sure to tell them your a Shelby. Go on, Finn. Go on" I walk across the street as people tip there hats to me in greeting.

I sigh and knock on the door twice while holding the small basket of muffins.

A few seconds later the door swings open revealing a smiling man wearing a brown simple suit.

"yes?" he asks.

"hi. I'm Finn Shelby, my aunt Polly made muffins for you. So, here" I hand him the basket awkwardly and watch as he grins at the basket.

"thank you, young man. How nice of you! I have a son, he's about your age. Would you like to meet him?" I shrug. The man gets a little closer and whispers"he doesn't have a lot of friends. I would really appreciate it"

"I mean, sure."the man nods and moves to the side for me to walk in. I keep my cap on just incase.

" Y/N! Y/N COME HERE!"The man shouts up the stairs.

" im doing something!" A soft voice calls back.

" you can just go up there. Second door to the left "I nod and go up the stairs until I reach the door. I turn the handle slowly and open the door to reveal.

" woah"i mutter and walk inside

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" woah"i mutter and walk inside. I take a look around and see there's another room behind this one so I walk through.

"hey da-your not my dad" a voice comes from my side. I turn around and see a cute boy laying against a window cill reading a book. He's wearing.

And a blue beenie which his y/h/c sticks out of

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And a blue beenie which his y/h/c sticks out of.

"h-hi, I'm Finn Shelby" I greet and take off my cap

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"h-hi, I'm Finn Shelby" I greet and take off my cap.

"im y/n. Nice to meet you" he smiles and places a feather in his book as a bookmark.

"I like your room" I say honestly.

"you don't have to say that" he scrates behind his ear and stretches. Awwww. He's like a cat... Not in a wierd way.

"but I do. It's cool, how have you got so many books? Must have been collecting for ages"

"my mum and dad owned a book shop but when mum died we needed to pay for the funeral and had to cell the shop but I asked to keep the books" he explaines and climbs off the cill and down some steps made of more books. "do you like books?"

"I can't read" I say embarrassed.

"I can't write." we both blush and stand awkwardly."dose anyone ever read to you?"

"no. My brothers are always too busy. And everyone else already think of me as a child...would you read to me?" he looks at me with a small smile and nods.

"sure. Right now?"

"if you want. I've got nothing better to do." he nods again and climbs up one of the shelves and takes a handful of books and holds them down for me to take. I reach up and take them from him then watch as he jumps back down.

"these are my favourites, I could read these or you can pick some other books out"

"it's okay. What ones are they?" he shows the covers revealing 'Peter Pan', 'Winnie the pooh' and 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'.

"what's 'the adventures of huckleberry Finn' ? It has my name in it." I chuckle and take the book from my hands.

"you'll have to find out" he smiles and walks over to a couch in the corner of the room which is covered in a tartan blanket plus a few pillows here or there. "come on then"

I sit beside him on the couch as he opens the first page.

"y/n...can we... Can we cuddle? In a not weird way?" I ask nervously.

"corse."he opens his arm and let's me snuggle into his chest as he covers us both in a blanket and reopens the book.

"YOU don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter.'


Once again. I know its shit.

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