Finn-birthday cake!

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Y/n pov.

I stand in the shelby kitchen waiting for Finn to arrive. Its Isaiah's birthday and as his best friend i decided to make him a birthday cake. Since i may have a teeny tiny crush on Finn shelby i asked him to help.

He had to help his brothers with something tho so he said he might be late, he was right. Its been half an hour-ive washed the dishes like 6 times just to pass the time.

"Y/n! Sorry im late!" Finns majestic voice calls through the house as he closes the door behind him. I hear him drop his jacket before running to the kitchen where i am.

"Finally! Isaiah's not gonna be 20 forever ya know" i tease as he fixes his hair.

"Arthur made me clean up a mess he made at the garrison. But im here now, isn't his birthday tomorrow?" He asks as i place the butter on the table along with flour and sugar.

"Yes but this has to bake and cool and be decorated then mov-" he cuts me off by placing his hand over my mouth as i speek muffled words through his fingers.

"Sorry, what was that? I can't here you. Could you speak u-" i lick his hand making his wrip it away and wipe it on his jacket with a jokingly descusted face.

"You know you love me" i grin and wipe my mouth. He shakes his head with a laugh and walks over to the table.

"We gonna start?"

"Yes! You mix the butter and sugar and i'll crack the eg-" he cuts me off again with a childish whine.

"Nooooooooooo. I wanna crack the eggs!"

"Fine, you crack the eggs Mr. Big Man." I tease making him smile proudly and grab the eggs and holding them in the air.

"No. Finn dont. Dont do th-" before i can finish he smashes the two eggs together sending both yoak, white and shell flying everywhere...including my hair and eye.

"Ow! Finn!" I groan and try rub the yoak out of my eye but i just burns.

"Y/n/n! Are you okay? Im so so so an idiot" Finn curses making me open my good eye seeing him looking guiltily at me.

"Im fine Finn. I tried to warn you, you twat. You never listen" i tease making him chuckle and sigh in relief that im not mad.

"Can i try something?" I hum in reply and let him move my hands away from my eyes. He grabs a wet cloth and brushes it under my eyes to wash away the egg. As ye dose so i can't help but notice how attractive he looks.

The way his eyes are so focused on mine and his tongue sticks out the corner of his mouth as he consontrates.

He uses his thumb to slowly peel my eye lids open-not fully, just enough to open it lightly. He then blows softly on my eye somehow making the burning sensation leave my eye.

After about a minute all the pain is gone and he says quietly "try open your eye fully" i obey and open my eye properly. Surprisingly its good as new. I blink a few times with a grin before throwing my arms around Finn.

He lets out a surprised squeal but wraps his arms around my torso happily. I big my face into his shoulder muttering a small 'thank you Finn"

"No worries. It was kinda my fault..." he trails off as we pull away. He just stares at the floor guiltily making me place my fingers under his chin to look at me.

"No it wasn't. Your my best friend Finn. Its my job to forgive you-even for egg related accidents" he nods with a chuckle and looks me straight in the eyes.

Only now have i noticed how close we are. Finn also looks at our closeness before making eye contact again. He smirks slightly making me blush  and go to back away but his hands catch my muscle covered waist.

I look back up at him confused seeing him grin at me.

"Finn, what are Y-You doing?" I ask confused as i see the stars in his eyes.

"I've wanted you for a long time y/n. I know its wrong but i-i just can't help myself"

As the words leave his plump lips i reach my hand over to his cheek and pull him into a soft yet desperately needed kiss.

We pull away once the air starts running out.

"I really like you Finn." I say breathless as he rest our foreheads against each others.

"I really like you to. Will you be my boyfriend?" I nod quickly and kiss him again

...lets just say we didnt bake a cake that day...


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