Arthur-first date.

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Y/n pov.

It was a normal morning for me, a clear summers day welcoming the sun into the towns and villages.

I was on my way to Arthur Shelby's,my boyfriend for 6 days, house about to ask him on an official date. We went on 'dates' before we were dating but never said it was official so i decided to make one. I rented a small boat for the rest of the day and bought a picnic basket then made a bunch of me and Arthur's favourite food and left it on the boat by the canal. I even wore my best suit. Its a white and light blue shirt with a black blazer, waist coat and trousers.

I knock on the Shelby door with a nervous sigh and wait for it to open. Less than a minute later it swings open revealing Finn with a smile.

"Alright, y/n?" He greets. I nod and do our secret handshake then walk in the house with him behind me.

"Is Arthur in?" I ask as i walk.

"Yeah. You got something planned?"

"Kindof, i arranged something i just need to ask Arthur to come." I explain as he 'oooOoOh!'s'

"You got a daaaaaaaaaate? You guys are so cute together!" He squeals with a grin.

"Thanks, Finney" i tease as we reach the kitchen.

John, Tom and Arthur are all sit drinking Whiskey and smoking cigarette's.

"Hey y/n, how ya doin?" John asks with a wave.

"Good thanks. Arthur, could i talk to you?" I ask. He gives me a wide grin and nods.

"Of corse, baby. Whats wrong?" He asks as his brothers watch.

"Well...Arthur...we've v
been dating for a few days...and...and-" he cuts me of nervously.

"Your not breaking up with me, are you?"

"What! No! Never. I swear...anyway! I may have..."

"Spit it out, mate" Tom says smiling at me.

"I rented a b-boat and made a picnic and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me..." he stays silently."o-obiously you don't have to its ju-"

He jumps up and races towards me then kisses my lips softly. Still in shock i kiss back.

"I'd take that as a yes" John jokes with a chuckle as we pull away.

"I'd love to, baby" i grin and hold his hand as he waves goodbye to his brothers and runs out the house. "Lead the way!"

We run hand in hand, despite the odd looks we get, and reach the boat.

"Sorry its shit" i mutter as we look at it bobbing in the water.

"I love it, baby" he kisses my head and walks over to it. He gets on the deck first then holds his arms out for me.

"What?" I ask.

"I'll lift you in. I am strong enough. Plus, your tiny"

I get closer to him and watch and he places his hands under my arms and lifts me from the grass onto the deck.

"Thanks, Arthur" i blush as he places his hand on my cheek. I lean into it happily.

"Anytime" he whispers and leans in to kiss my cheek but i move so be kisses my lips instead.

"Im starving" Arthur nods and holds my hand as we go below deck.

"I made lunch" i say pointing to the basket sitting on the fold up couch bed. He smiles and walks over before sitting down and motioning me over. I walk over only to have him grab my waist and place me on his knee like a child. "Arthur!" I giggle.

He just nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck and kisses it softly. I open the basket and take out the ready made sandwiches and give one to Arthur, who eats it in one.

I chew mine slowly as he hugs me.

"I'm sorry i didn't plan a date" he whispers with his arms around me.

"Why are you sorry? You've been busy. I get it" i say still eating.

"But you made this special. All i do is work and work and work and never spend anytime with you"

"Arthur. Stop" i say moving on his lap. "We may have only been dating a few days but i've never felt this way with anyone before. Just speaking to you makes me smile. And your work is important and i don't care. As long as your happy, im happy"

He looks at me in all seriousness as i speak. When i finish we sit in silence until he places his hands on my cheeks and strokes them with his thumbs.

"I love you" he says simply. I blush and place my hands on his waist.

"I love you to" i lean in and kiss him gently. He kisses back before pulling away and resting his head on mine.

"Thank you." He says with a smile. "I always feel like a thank you."

"No worries. Your never a burden to me, Arthur"


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