Chapter Eighteen

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I was choking on my own blood, sweat and tears as the boys all placed hands underneath my pained body. Anxiety rushed through my blood streams as I was fearing the events that were about to unfold. The piece of fabric that Yoongi had given me was sat comfortably in my mouth and hid my soft weeps well. 

Jin's large hands were underneath my body but were positioned around the spike. This was going to hurt. Namjoon was getting ready to lift my back with his left hand and his right was under my legs. Yoongi had one hand under my head for support and another helping Namjoon with my frail back. 

Slowly they started to lift me up and I could feel the rusty spike moving through my freshly torn wound. It had started to bleed uncontrollably again but this time all over Jin's hands. My screams were consistent, like the way a woman screams when she is giving birth. The black fabric stifled my screams as I bit down tight onto it, hurting my teeth a little. 

"Almost done Y/n," Yoongi comforted as the three boys continued to lift me up. 

Eventually, a wave of relief hit me as I felt the point of the metal leave my body and I was now considered 'free to move,' however I knew I wouldn't be able to move on my own. Carefully, the boys put me down and Yoongi pulled me onto his lap and held me like a Mother holds her baby. Although I was in extreme pain, I still couldn't help but feel flustered by his actions and a light pink tint spread across my cheeks.

"You'll get blood on your clothes," I said weakly.

"That's okay," he replied smiling at my statement.

I felt my heart beat even faster. Wow. His smile was gorgeous. I wish he smiled more. When he smiled his gums shown a little and his eyes became a little more narrow. It felt like an honour to see him smile. Gosh, why am I thinking like this? I don't like Min Yoongi, do I?

Suddenly, there was the sound of a car rushing down along the side of the track. The engine roared as the car must have been travelling at eighty miles per hour or so. The car came to a stop in front of the area where we were all sitting. There  was someone in a large black Land Rover with the two front windows wide open. 

"It's Hobi, come on," Namjoon said. 

Oh yeah, that must have been why I couldn't see him around anywhere. Namjoon and Jin both opened the boot and started to pull all of the back seats down so it was like a van now. There was also a plastic bag there. Being cautious not to hurt me, Yoongi carried me bridal style away from the train wreck that had brought me so much physical pain. Gently, he laid me down on my back in the extended boot of the large car.

"Uh there was a pharmacy and I figured it was urgent so I grabbed some bandages, water and health bars. Most of the things were raided though," Hobi explains. 

"That's good, this wound needs to be stitched up and fast, would you be able to try and get to the safety camp?" Jin asks, "in the meantime Y/n, you can't move on your own and I'm going to try and stop the bleeding." 

"Okayyy~" I said, sounding a little bit drunk. Weirdly, I felt high and light headed.

"Y/n?" Yoongi asks me, confused.

"Wow~ you look like my cat," I chuckled whilst looking at Yoongi. He does look like a cat, but I wasn't meant to say that out loud...

"She's lost a lot of blood so she's probably loopy because of that," Jin states simply.

I chuckled to myself whilst holding Yoongi's sweaty hand whilst Jin rinsed my injury with one of the bottles of water, I grimaced when the cold liquid poured down into my wound.

"So, what's your cat's name?" Yoongi asked, clearly trying to take my mind away from the pain.

"Cat," I stated simply.

"What?" He crashed his eyebrows together in confusion.

"My cat's name is cat~" I sang loudly for the whole car to hear.

"Cat?" He questioned, unable to believe the nonsense that I was saying, "well that's...creative?"

"Shhhhh stop meowing I'm trying to sleep," I slurred in drunk tone again whilst putting my index finger on his lip.

My eyes started to heavy but right before I fell asleep I said one last stupid thing, "goodnight Cat."

a/n: England is back in lockdown so hopefully I can update more, the only issue is I have to go into school because my Dad is a keyworker. Anyway, have a great day or night :))

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