Chapter Ten

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"It's empty here too..." I state whilst looking out at the desolate streets of Busan.

Loud groups of grumbles filled different directions in the dimly lit streets. They were in all different direction. Most of the lights were on but we still couldn't see where the walkers calls were coming from. My eyes started to become a little watery, my hope ran on it being safe here but it was the same as Daegu.

"Let's find somewhere to rest for a while, before the walkers find us first," Yoongi says walking ahead of us all. 


After walking down empty streets, we eventually found an old-looking apartment complex. We hadn't ventured far, that's mostly why we didn't come across any walkers here yet. There was a dreadful smell in the room that we had chosen to stay in. Two chestnut sofas were positioned only a couple feet away from the front door. An old fashioned television sat comfortably upon a pine coffee table against the wall. 

Everyone split up into different areas of the small abode. Namjoon went down a narrow hallway, Hoseok was messing with the television wires and remote, Yoongi lay comfortably on the couch and me and Jin were scavenging in the kitchen for food. 

The kitchen area was completely ruined; wooden cabinets were left ajar and some were smashed into many splinters, one door even hanging on its hinge. The fridge was tipped over and the oven had been pulled out of its electrical wiring in the wall. A large smear of blood on the tiled floor caught my eye like an eagle notices its prey.

"It's completely bashed in here, what do you reckon happened?" He askes intrigued.

"Presumably what's happened to almost everyone," I sighed.

Jin hums in response.

"Sometimes with all this, I forget that I'm living on borrowed time," I say, opening up some draws only to find them empty.

"What do you mean?"

The kitchen had been emptied already so I just decided to turn around and lean against a weak counter. Maybe I shouldn't tell him. What if he tells the boys and they kick me out? Ah... but he knows something's up now, it's best I tell him.

"I had liver disease a couple years back," I hesitated, "I had a transplant about eighteen months back."

"Why didn't you tell us before? We need to look after you," he says sweetly.

"I didn't want you guys to kick me out for being a weaker link."

He let out a heavy exhale before turning to face me.

"We wouldn't do that. Besides even if we wanted to, Yoongi wouldn't let us."

A confused expression rushed across my face.

"Oh...uh...nothing. Don't think about it," Jin said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

White noise suddenly started to fill the air and then a monotone voice followed after it. Not a real person, it was robotic. Synchronised, mine and Jin's heads darted towards each other with wide eyes.

"The television!" We both gasped.

Together we ran into the decrepit lounge, I jumped over the back of the sofa and landing on one of the seats comfortably next to Yoongi. Jin stood behind laughing. Whilst Hobi was still sat on a raggedy carpet. Namjoon then appeared out from the narrow corridor that leads to a bedroom. 

"Good job Hobi!" I shout out, high-fiving him.

"...still yet to confirm what the cause of this virus is. A safety camp has been set up in the West of Seoul and they are open to letting healthy people in. So far there is a population of twenty-three and the camp is only big enough for two-hundred people. Please refrain from trying to enter the camp if you have been bitten or are struggling with an underlying condition that has a life endangerment. Children are not allowed. Symptoms of a bite may include; bleeding, bright visible veins, discolouration of the eyes, an extreme fever and loss of appetite. Scientists are still yet to confirm what the cau-" The television spoke until Hoseok turned it off with the remote.

"Did I just hear that right?" Jin questions himself.

"Safety camp?" I ask tilting my head to the left slightly.

"That's what they said," Yoongi said leaning back.

"It's all the way in Seoul though," I state.

"Then we need to get back to travelling. Anything in the kitchen Jin?" Namjoon says.

"No," Jin replies to him mournfully.

"Well we have nothing to lose, we still have some food and water left in our bags," Namjoon starts, "let's leave at dawn. We need to get there before the population reaches the let's cut by the forests rather than following the road."

"Okay, what were the bedrooms like?" Jin asks.

"One room with two double beds and an en suite bathroom." Namjoon replies.

"Why don't you four take the room, I'll sleep on the couch," I said to them.

"Are you sure?" Hoseok says.

"Yeah, it might be a bit uncomfortable if I stayed in there with a bunch of guys," I shrug.

"Then it's settled, come on guys let's go to bed," Hoseok chimes.

All four of the boys drag themselves into the back section of the apartment. Yoongi stops and looks around the corner.

"Um...If you need anything, you can wake me up," he says before turning his back and heading towards the bedroom.

I gulped the last drop of my water before laying down comfortably on the couch to sleep.

a/n: I'm sorry for not updating recently, I just finished my mock exams today so hopefully I can update again! Also, these last chapters have been a bit boring recently but I promise it gets good soon haha, have a good day/night! :D

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