Chapter Nine

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I didn't know what to feel. Empty? I'd always wished he wasn't my Father but after the realisation I had on the rooftop that night...I deeply regretted everything.

"W-what?" I asked on the verge of tears, unaware of the boys slowly heading in our direction, my Dad's friend already fled from the scene.

"You heard me Y/n, I don't have much time left," he says hoarsely, his face slowly becoming paler by the minute.

I fell down to my knees and started to drown in my sorrows. My Father knelt down to my level and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry appa! It's all my fault!" I cried onto his shoulder.

"What are you talking about Y/n?" He asks, sounding even weaker than before.

I can feel his body temperature rising as it emits onto me, his unbearable fever building up.

"I-if I wasn't so ungrateful, you wouldn't have been at the bar all the time. If you weren't in the bar, you wouldn't have been in trouble. In that case, we could be in Ulsan right now a-and you would be fine," I sobbed even harder.

"Y/n it's not your fault, stop being so ridiculous."

I stayed silent and his breathing started to become heavy.

"I just want you to know, I'm sorry. For hurting you mentally and emotionally. I'm proud of you. Everything you do. You must survive. Just always know that- I..." he struggles to say.

My own Father's body suddenly became limp and ice cold in my arms. His breathing stopped. He couldn't finish his last sentence. Salty tears flowed like streams down my red cheeks. Even if he was a criminal, he was still my Father; although I thought I hated him, turns out it was just my anger in the heat of the moment.

A feeling of darkness overwhelmed me. The boys came over to comfort me as I cried harder than ever. I laid my Father's body down comfortably on the ground and I used my fingers to close his eyelids.

Hobi placed his hand on my shoulder in a way of comfort as I muttered sorrowful words to my now deceased Father.

"Hold Y/n back," Namjoon orders.

"WHAT? WHY?" I cry.

Hobi holds me back by my arms whilst Yoongi kneels down in front of me blocking the view of my Father. He shushes down my sobbing and starts to ask me really random things as a distraction from my pain.

"Shhh, shhh. Hmmm, you like free-running, yeah? What's your favourite free-run that you did? What was your interview on the American news channel like? What's your favourite food? What was it like living in Ulsan? Did you-" he speedily rants on before being cut off by a loud gunshot.

"APPA!" I scream and start crying again.

I push Hoseok's arms away and crawl over to my Father who now has a bullet-sized hole in his forehead with red liquid slowly seeping down the side of his forehead. I cried even harder.

"W-why did you sh-oot him?" I cried harder, choking on my tears.

"He was going to turn, he can rest in peace now," Namjoon replied and I nodded but I was still crying.

"We need to get going, Yoongi will carry you on his back. Today has been hard on you so far, get some rest," Jin says.

Yoongi picks me up unwillingly and starts to carry me on his back along the highway. Tears continuously dripped onto the shoulder of his navy hoodie but eventually my eyes started to become heavy and I drifted off into a heavy slumber.


"It must be harsh on her, don't you think?" I hear Hoseok say.

I was awake but I kept my eyes closed. In reality I was awake but I wished I wasn't. I never had a chance to thank my Father for everything.

"Yeah, let's just be careful around her. She's probably feeling a bit sensitive," Jin replies.

Steadily, I opened my eyes and looked up from Yoongi's shoulder. It was dark outside now. The sky was becoming a dark blue and the only light provided was coming from the crescent shaped moon and the glistening stars. Averting my gaze forwards again, I noticed just how close we were to the lit up city ahead; we were in Busan now.

"Y/n, are you awake?" Yoongi asked gently, noticing my subtle movements.

"Mmm," I cooed, "you can put me down now. I can walk the rest."

Although I hadn't recovered fully from the unfortunate events from earlier that day, I needed to focus on the future. Most importantly:

I must survive...

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