Chapter Five

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Before the walker could notice me, someone's hand wrapped around mine and they pulled me down onto the floor behind the counter. Their other hand covered my mouth and the one that was originally placed on my hand, was now at my side, pulling me close towards someone's chest. My gaze lifted up only to see Yoongi. Quickly, I looked away as my cheeks started to become a rosy blush.

"It wandered in through the front door, we must've forgot to block it," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

Slowly, he moves his hand away from my mouth. After a couple of moments, the walker still hadn't moved and more were starting to come in. We were outnumbered and we couldn't stay behind this counter forever. Namjoon quickly snuck passed me with Hoseok on his back and went out the back door without making a noise. Jin then followed. They must've thought up this plan moments ago.

"Let's go," Yoongi whispers.

"Wait..." I whisper, "you go, I'll be there in a moment."

"What are-" I cut him off when I jump over the counter.

My heart was racing fast. I really didn't want to do this, but I knew how much I would be benefitting the group. I'd spent ages contemplating if I should do this. As fast as I could, I ran across the store and grabbed mine and Yoongi's bag and ran back. When I got close to the door, I realised that the way to the exit was blocked so I had no choice but to jump over the counter.

Yoongi stood at the door and as I ran through it, he slammed the door shut and held onto it tight as grumbles and bangs could be heard on the other side.

"Yah! Why did you do that?" Yoongi hissed, angrily.

"Supplies," I replied, bluntly.

"You two, be quiet," Jin whisper shouts at us, "what's the plan Joon?"

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders.

"Busan," I state, dropping the two bags on the floor.

"Busan?" Namjoon questions.

"I climbed that big derelict skyscraper earlier, the city lights in Busan were still on."

"We need to rest first, Hobi is drunk still and you must be tired after climbing that estate," Jin states.

"Yeah I guess," I say, before leaning against a wall.

"Yoongi, let go of the door. They can't open it," Namjoon says.

Yoongi does as he is told, sitting down opposite me.


It had been a while by now and everyone was fast asleep. Except me. My mind had been pretty occupied recently. Although South Korea was dying, I couldn't drag my mind away from my father. Mutely, I stood up and walked over to the dumpster. As quiet as I could, I followed my footsteps from earlier and made my way onto a small roof, where I watched the sun rise. 

Looking out at the orange and yellow sky in front of me, I started to lose myself deep in thoughts. When my father started to drink my mom disappeared. Her clothes and all our money was gone. That's when my father resulted to crime. He did it all for me, so that I could eat and go to college in the future, but I never realised. I was just being an ungrateful daughter. I just wanted some of his time instead.

A salty tear rolled down my cheek and my eyes were glossy in the light of the rising sun. I said that I wish I wasn't related to him a few days ago, but I think I was just angry in the moment. I still am angry, but I wish I was more grateful at the time he was around. 

Scuffling was heard from the side of the building where the boys were, and a second later a pair of hands appeared on the rooftop edge. I rushed over and grabbed the person climbing up, only to be greeted by Yoongi. Returning back to my seat, I wiped the tears from my cheeks. 

"Were you crying?" He asks me.

I didn't reply as he just sits down beside me.

"Why?" He asks.

"It's nothing, I just miss my Dad. That's all."

"Where is he?"

I looked out at the highway.


I inhaled the oxygen deeply before making eye contact with Busan again, further than it was before because of the building I was on.

"What do you think it's like there?" I ask him.

His gaze follows mine and lands on Busan.

"It might be the same," he replies.

I stayed silent knowing he's probably correct.

"At least they have electricity, we'd be able to find out if there is a safety camp set up anywhere. Or if this whole thing is worldwide," he says again.

I just nodded at him and we both waited in silence for the rest of the boys to wake up. We have a long while of travelling ahead of us.

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