Chapter Fourteen

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I left the boys the food to eat because that pain in my kidney area was still lingering and I didn't want to cause it to hurt anymore. Leaving the chattering boys, I wondered out the front of the train and past the large tank, into the first cargo carriage which was surprisingly clean. There wasn't as much dust in this one but there was a few large crates stacked in the corner. Not interested, I wandered over to the large open door and sat with my knees up to my chest, gazing out at the colourful blurs. 

As a group, we've been moving around a lot. This whole time I hadn't been able to fully process what was actually happening. Surprisingly I hadn't thought of myself as a burden to the boys, thanks to one of them especially. Yoongi. Although, he didn't speak to me much, I could tell he cared. As for me, for some odd reason every time I thought about him there was a strange feeling in my stomach. 


Around an hour later, there was a bit of scuffling before someone settled down and sat down beside me. My gaze averted from the scenery before me and looked at who it was. Speaking of the devil, it was Yoongi. 

"You okay?" He asks me.

"I'm fine," I say, moving my legs so they were over the edge and placing my arms either side of me to hold my body up.

Both of us go quiet and we both watch the moving images rush past us. My mind started to drift back to my Father. I felt guilty for lying about my Dad to the boys. I remember telling them at some point on our journey to Busan that he was a clever man who worked as physiotherapist. At some point I should tell them who he really was. I will one day. Then I realised. The longer I drag the truth on, the worse it will be. Maybe they will think I never told them because I'm dangerous too or something. 

"I lied about my Father," I blurt out. 

Yoongi doesn't say anything, he just slowly turns to look at me. I didn't look back, I just kept staring blankly at the moving ground. 

"He wasn't a physiotherapist. He was a criminal," I start guiltily whilst Yoongi watches me speak, his full attention on me.

"Seo Byungho was his name. Imprisoned four times. Crimes he committed were: breaking and entering, theft, shoplifting, assault and manslaughter. Not all at once obviously," I laugh humourlessly, as Yoongi continues to listen.

"When I arrived at Daegu, I said I had hit my head. That was true, I was in a cop car on my way to Daegu prison, my Dad had just been arrested for the fourth time. Someone lifelessly walked across the highway as we were driving and the Officer swerved the car and it crashed off the highway and down a hill, I hit my head and then passed out. When I woke up it was noon, the Officer was gone. Then in my own time, I got up and walked to Daegu."

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Yoongi asks me calmly. 

"I was scared and alone. I thought you would all neglect me and just leave me there," I say.

Before I could say anything else, Yoongi's hand is on top of my right hand and his thumb is swiping over the back of my palm. My head turns around to look at him and our eyes meet. My heart suddenly started to beat faster and that weird feeling was whirling around my stomach again. 

"I wouldn't let them do that," he says quietly, slowly leaning in closer.

Our lips were only a few centimetres away and our breath was mixing in between us. My heart started to beat at an inhumane speed and I wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi could hear it beating against my chest. A part of me was enjoying the close contact but another part of me was telling me that it was wrong. But my body refused to push him away.

Just as his lips were about to meet mine, the door to this carriage flies open and Jin rushes in. Me and Yoongi quickly move away from each other and sit at opposite sides of the carriage door. 

"We have an issue," Jin states as Namjoon walks in behind him.  

Thank Lord they didn't notice me and Yoongi! That would've been hella awkward. 

"What is it?" Yoongi asks, just as confused as I am. 

"The train is heavy so we are losing fuel fast, at this rate we won't make it to Seoul. If we can unlatch the cart that is two carts away from this one then we should be able to get there. Got any plans on how to do it?" Namjoon explains hurriedly.

"I'll do it." I assure them, "after all I do parkour for a living, how hard can it be?" 

a/n: Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you spend it well and have a nice day :)

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