Beauty From Pain

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Hey everyone this is just a prologue. I don't know if I'm actually going to write the story I just wanted to see what people thought of it and stuff.

So please comment and vote if you like it and maybe I will finish it!



That was all I felt. I didn't feel pain or sorrow or anything. I could only feel the tears seeping through my fingers and soaking every part of me. I was drowning in tears of my own creation.

I always knew Anna was sick, but I never pictured the day when she was actually gone. And now I would give anything to go back to a time when my sister, my best friend, was there with me but now that is a feeling I will never experience again.

I knew I was getting lots of weird looks in the waiting room of the hospital, but I didn't look up from my hands so I didn't care. The strangers didn't know what I was going through anyway.

At some point, I noticed a large pair of male feet sit down next to me, but I just ignored them. Until they started talking.

"Why are you here?" Said a low, familiar sounding voice.

I hesitated before looking up at the face that belonged to the shoes. But when I did I noticed that his nose was red and his eyes were probably as swollen and blood shot as mine are now. He must have been crying too. Hard. But I had seen his face before. Of course I had. Anna had loved One Direction, and the feet sitting next to me belonged to Harry Styles.


Ok so please vote and comment if you want me to finish it!


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