I Can't Love My Best Friend

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(Based in 6th Year)

Hermione was restless. She couldn't sleep. All she could think about was....Ron. His soft, messy fiery red hair, his smile, the freckles which surrounded his face, the way he- No! She couldn't be thinking like this. It was wrong. All wrong. How could she think of her best friend like that. Like he was more than a friend? I don't love him. He's, he- he's just a friend. A really incredible- uhhhh! Stop it Hermione! He's like a brother to you. Nothing more.

Even though she convinced her mind, her face and body said otherwise. She was dreamily looking up at the crimson curtains draping over her bed, her face blushing with every thought of him. Her fingers intertwined with her hair as she bit her lip, deep in thought. Her legs lifted as she laid down, stomach down, her insides fluttering as she dreamed of his smiling face, and his ocean blue eyes, staring down at her.

As much as she enjoyed dreaming about her "best friend", Hermione had enough of the conflict inside her and bailed on the hope of sleeping. She quietly climbed out of bed, tiptoeing out of the room and took a quick glance at the clock which bore the numbers: 2:46am. Surprised that she stayed up this long thinking about...She tiptoed down the spiral staircase, finally emerging into the common room. She didn't realize how cold it was, and plunked herself in front of the fireplace. She calmly stared into its flames when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jerked up to find a certain red-haired boy looking concerned. "'Mione? What are you doing up so bloody late? I mean early?"

"I could ask you the same question. I- um- I couldn't sleep," Hermione burst out, recollecting her daydreams.

"Me neither."

They both took a seat on either side of the maroon velvet sofa and waited in horrible silence as Hermione thought to herself once more. God this is uncomfortable. Why? I don't know. I feel really hot all of a sudden, oh god. Am I sweating? Why does my stomach feel all fluttery and nervous? Uhhh. Why am I staring at him?! Maybe because of his dreamy eyes, the way you can get sucked into them for hours, and his soft ginger- stopppp! Stop Hermione! You can't love him! He loves someone else. He...he loves someone else....He will never love me, an-and I will never love him. He's my best friend, and I do not love my best friend. I do not love my best friend. I do not love my best friend.

As Hermione kept repeating the same sentence in her head which just became less convincing as she rehearsed, Ron was troubled with his own thoughts. Do I love her? Do I love Lavender? Bloody hell, I don't even know what I'm supposed to feel if I love someone. I always thought it would be a fluttery sensation, where you get nervous and the tips of my ears start to turn red but that's never happened. Not with Lavender at least. It's weird. I feel it when Hermione's around. Whenever she looks at me I start to feel hot, and I get butterflies. But that can't be! I don't love Hermione! I can't. I have to love Lavender. Besides, Hermione would never love someone like me. I can't love my best friend.  I do not love my best friend. I do not love my best friend. I do not love my best friend.

The two conflicted with their thoughts for as long as they could remember, until they both fell drowsy. "I think I'm going to go back to bed," Ron said as if he was stuck in a daze. Hermione gave a small murmur as a response and he hurried away. But before he could step onto the staircase, he noticed Hermione, curled up on the sofa, her soft curls wrapping around her face, her small body shivering as the cool wind from the nearest window pierced through, leading to her skin and finally blowing against it. He hastily but quietly, walked to his dorm and back, emerging with a duvet under his arms. Ron strolled towards the sofa where Hermione's peaceful figure lay and draped the duvet over her. She immediately stopped shivering, giving off a warm glow. She smiled in her sleep as Ron snuggled up close to her, wrapping his arms around her back as her head dropped into his chest. He instantly felt a warmth grow inside of him, butterflies fluttering, his whole face turning the scarlet shade of the duvet, and a comforting nervousness overcoming him. As he stroked her hair he realized one thing, and one thing only...I love Hermione Jean Granger.

Hermione felt her emotions rise as he held her, and the comfort and warmth as her head buried in his chest, immediately pushing the conflict out of her head, defying her thoughts and listening to her heart. That night she knew...I love Ronald Bilius Weasley.

Thank you so much for reading this one-shot!
It's not that great but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Thank you so much for all the reads and suggestions so far. I honestly didn't think I'd get more than 10 reads so thank you and enjoy reading! Remember to vote if you liked the story and comment any suggestions or ideas.

Hermione. W

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