I Love You (Part 4 of Determined)

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Lavender peeked from her hiding place, imagining the shouting match that was happening a few meters from where she was standing. She came to realize that the shouting stopped and curiously crept into the common room, wondering what events were being posed. As she stepped into the middle of the room, there they were, staring at Lavender. One with large eyes, his head spinning from side to side, Hermione, "Hermione", Hermione, "Hermione". And one with a frightened look, biting her lip.

Lavender POV:

"Wha-," Ron started before I clapped my hand on his lips. His...soft pink lips. I was snapped back from my thoughts when I felt Ron's fingers enclosing around mine as he forcefully tried to rip my hand off his mouth. I started towards Hermione, Ron still in shock, my hand still enveloping his mouth. She stepped back, her eyes filled with worry. Ha! She's scared. Hermione Granger, scared. I gave her a disgusted look when she turned to Ron with a tortured look. I spoke, "I was at the party Ron. You saw me."

He nodded his head once more, finally prying my fingers off him. "But the real Hermione would never do that. What you did."

"Oh really? You know all about me, don't you? You think that I'm so perfect and that I would never lie to you. Well, guess what Ronniekins, you were wrong."

When I thought I had won, Hermione started to speak. That bitch.

Hermione POV:

Sure, Ron doesn't know everything about me but he's right. I would NEVER snog Mclaggen. EVER. But it's not because he's a bastard, even though he is. It's because I'm....I'm in love with Ron.

"Look. Maybe you don't know EVERYTHING about me but it's true. I would never kiss Mclaggen. Because....err...because." God, what can't I just say it. I've been thinking about it for the last two years of my life, why can't I just tell him as I tell him everything else. Uhhh.

"Spit it out already Hermione!", Lavender yelled out of my body. God that's weird to say. I swear I was about to confess when...well you can imagine what happened.

Third Person:

Ron looked stunned. Hermione, like she was going to puke. What was happening, Lavender didn't know. Until Ron slammed her against the sofa, staring daggers into her eyes. Staring down at Hermione's body, she was changing. Her hair had already turned blonde, her height expanding, the sounds of the dress ripping slightly at the seams. Lavender stared into Ron's flaming eyes, once a sea of blue, and glared at Hermione who had a smirk plastered on her lips.

Ron POV:

"Bloody hell, LAVENDER!"

I took my grip off of her shoulders and paced around the room like a mad man. Merlin's pants! What was she playing at? "WHAT is wrong with you Lavender? You're mad!"

She just stood there. Really? God. I've been jealous of Mclaggen all night for snogging LAVENDER?! "Why did you- Hermione? Where were you?"

Hermione turned to me, her cheeks flushed looking worried. "I um...I was locked in the girls dormitory."

"Bloody- !" I ran a hand through my hair before I turned to glare at Lavender. "What were you getting at?"

"I thought that you would want to get back at Hermione with me. So, we could be together again!" She smiled hopefully, staring into my eyes. Uncomfortably I continued my speech, "When are you going to learn that we are OVER?! I broke up with you because I don't love you Lavender! I love someone else! Was I not CLEAR enough for you!"

She looked on the verge of tears when I turned to Hermione with a hopeful expression. She looked...hurt.

Hermione POV:

He loves someone else?

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't let Ron see my cry, let alone Lavender. I slowly picked up my dress and kicked off my heels before racing out of the portrait hole. I needed to get away. This is the worst night of my life. First Lavender pretends to be me to get Ron back by snogging Mclaggen and now this. What was I thinking? Ron could never love me. He deserves someone better.

I had flung myself in the nearest seat in the Great Hall and laid my head in my hands. No one seemed to notice as I spilled 6 years of feelings into my hands.


Lavender POV:

God, she is so oblivious. It's so obvious that Ron loves Hermione and Hermione loves him back. It's been obvious ever since they accidentally held hands in 3rd year. The way they look at each other with such feeling and longing. I wish Ron could look at me like that.

I stood there in silence as Ron dashed after Hermione when she stormed out, tears in her eyes. My plan had failed.


Ron Pov:

Was she okay? Did I say something wrong? Thoughts were surrounding my brain as I sprinted along the corridors towards the Great Hall where I saw a glimpse of lilac behind the door. Slightly opening the door, I saw the hall full of students. There were fireworks and music, even curtains which were swung across the room. I looked around the room when I saw her. Hermione. Her head was buried in her hands, her shoulders shivering, and her hair cascading down her face. She looked beautiful. I knew right then, right now, what I had to do.


Hermione POV:

I felt a hand tap my shoulder and I looked up to see him. His eyes were drifting into mine, his adorable smile lighting up the room. Even though I had been crying over him just a moment ago I couldn't help but smile back. A finger lifted up my chin, his warm touch sending shivers down my spine. His eyes fluttered shut when he pushed his head closer to mine. I did the same, this was the moment I had been waiting for my entire life. Before I knew it our lips brushed against each other's and parted. It was gentle. It was magical. I felt butterflies well up in my stomach as we touched, and the shivers seemed to increase down my spine. It was way too short. I felt myself blush as I stared up into his eyes, noticing his red ears and laughed. We giggled for a while before I flung my arms around his neck and sent him by surprise, my lips landing on his once more. I felt his strong arms snake around my waist as he twirled me around, sinking deeper into the kiss before setting me down. I drifted out of the kiss as shouting and whistling filled my ears. Wow

Ron POV:

I could hear the whistling and shouts as we kissed but I couldn't care less. I kissed Hermione Granger. Twice. I grinned as I sank into her eyes and embraced her whispering a long waited sentence into her ear, "I love you, Hermione Granger,"

I felt her smile as she whispered back, sending shivers down my spine, "I love you, Ronald Weasley."

Third Person:

No one was surprised by the events on the night of December 20th, 1996. It was always going to happen, it was just a matter of time.

The End

Sorry for the long chapter. They finally got together! I hope you enjoyed this short story as much as I did writing it. Sorry for the weird posting schedule but I've concluded that I will try to post at least 1 one-shot or part of a story each week. Please comment any prompts or ideas and enjoy the rest of your week!

Bye Potterheads!

Hermione. W

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