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Thank you @coc0_1 for the idea! (Based in 6th year after Ron got poisoned)

It was a beautiful sunny day, with the sunlight streaming through the crystal windows of the castle. Snow was drifting down as the year glided closer to Christmas. Students were rushing through the snow, bookbags in hand, dragging themselves to their next class of the day. In the Great Hall, lunch was being served, sandwiches lined the middle of the house tables, drinks being poured from every corner of the room, voices bouncing on the walls as the students filed in for a mid-day meal. At the end of the table sat Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, pouring over the Daily Prophet.

"Nothing new?" Harry shuffled to look over Hermione's shoulder as she flipped through the printed pages,

"No, nothing new." They sighed as they went back to their eating, Hermione trying to keep her eyes on her food as she caught a glimpse of a ginger and golden-haired couple emerging from the Great Hall's doors, they seemed different. Lavender was squeezing Ron's hand, Ron trying to rip it off him. Ron said something to Lavender as they plunked down right in front of Harry and Hermione which seemed to annoy her. "Hi," Lavender exclaimed, Ron trying to shove her away as she did so.

"Hi," Harry rolled his emerald green eyes as he dived back into his homework. Hermione shuffled nervously by Harry as Lavender planted her lips on Ron's. No one realized Ron's struggle and annoyance at Lavender as Hermione lifted herself off the bench to leave. Harry grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. "I am not staying here by myself,"

"Fine." They both exchanged disgusted looks before Ron interjected the silence, "STOP!"

Everyone in the Great Hall dropped everything to swerve and stare at the conflicting couple. Ron was grabbing Lavender's wrists, staring furiously at her while she whimpered under his stare. "What the bloody hell does, WE'RE DONE mean to you?!"

A few gasps escaped student's mouths and whispers started to arise. Hermione's eyes widened at the words "WE'RE DONE" and exchanged a surprised look with Harry who himself was very much shocked. "Leave me the bloody hell alone Lavender! I told you we're bloody over a whole two DAYS ago!". Ron threw her wrists from his grip and gave a death stare to the entire Great Hall.

The students looked away, gossiping about the previous scene. But their eyes couldn't stay away any longer as Lavender continued the conversation. "W-why? W-why d-di-did y-ou b-b-b-break *hiccup* up w-with me?" She stuttered, on the verge of tears. "I bloody well told you! All you ever do is snog me. That's it. I want to talk with you, get to know you, but whenever I try, you make up some excuse and run off! We've never even had one real bloody conversation in the 4 months we've been together, and I'M SICK OF IT!"

Ron's face was practically crimson now, the tone of his voice rising, and Lavender's tears gushing down her face. "I-I love y-you W-won Won. I-isn't t-that e-en-enough?"

"Well your version of being in love is COMPLETELY different than mine," he scoffed, "Being in love means you want to share your world with them, that they're always in your thoughts, they become your number one priority, you ignore everyone else when you're with them, you kind of freak out and get nervous every time you see them, you want to tell them you love them every minute of every day, and..." He blushed as he snapped back to his surroundings, realizing he had been staring at Hermione. Ron shook his head and returned to his strict stare, glaring at Lavender, "Do you feel that with me?"


"Cause I sure don't." With that he got up and sat on the farthest end of the table, Lavender rushing out of the room, her face streaked with tears. Harry and Hermione who had been exchanging faces during the whole row sighed. "Wow," they both said in unison. Hermione blushed, remembering Ron staring at her as he recalled what being in love meant to him. Harry knocked her out of her daze with a tap on her shoulder.



"So.....umm, blimey this is an awkward follow up to what just happened but...erm..who are you going to Slughorn's party with? I was thinking we could go together as friends or something,"

"UHHH. Why didn't I think of that?! Someone asked me....and....I already said yes."

"Who asked you?"

Hermione fidgeted with her fingers under the table before she mumbled, "mclaggen,"


"Mclaggen," She said way too loud. Harry swerved around to see Ron staring concerningly at the pair. Harry gave Ron an assured look before he replied,

"Blimey Hermione! Mclaggen?"

"I thought he would annoy Ron the most. But seeing as Ron''s just dumb." Hermione bit her lip, staring at Harry with defeat plastered on her face. She then looked over at Ron who gave her a crooked smile which sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't smile back, but instead covered her face and giggled to herself. She was surprised at how happy she felt after Ron confronted Lavender. 

Lunch was almost over, Hermione snatched up her bookbag, thinking about what Ron said: Being in love means you want to share your world with them, that they're always in your thoughts, they become your number one priority, you ignore everyone else when you're with them, you kind of freak out and get nervous every time you see them, you want to tell them you love them every minute of every day. She thought to herself as she strolled the halls of the castle. How would he know how it felt to be in love if Lavender was his first? Did he love someone else? Who could it be? Hermione realized that tears had started to well up in her brown eyes. She stopped in her tracks, accidentally bumped into some first years in the verge of tears. Hermione thought aloud, hiccuping and sobbing as she whispered, "He loves someone. Someone better, someone prettier, someone who makes him smile and feel warm inside, someone who......isn't me." She cried as she rushed towards her next class, too distracted to notice a puffy-eyed Lavender who stood only millimeters away, smirking.

Lavender had overheard Hermione's words, and knew the truth. She had seen it over the years. The side glances, blushing, accidental hand holding, petty arguments, confronting, caring, sweetly caressing ever since 3rd year. Hermione and Ron. What everyone knew and what Lavender was determined to end. (Part 2 coming soon)

Thank you so much for reading this far, I really appreciate it! Don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment any ideas and/or suggestions. There will be a part 2 to this one.

Hermione. W

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