A Hell of a Party (Part 2 of Determined)

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It was the 19th of November, a breezy day at Hogwarts. The sun was glittering in the sky, puffy clouds drifting across, students filled the grounds. It seemed as though everyone was at the lake, on the lawn, or in the courtyard, enjoying the sun and sweet fresh air. Everyone except the trio. The three of them were laying on the sofa in Gryffindor tower. Hermione on the far edge, her back against the arm, and her legs spread across Ron and Harry's legs which were placed in an upright position. The fire was glowing in the darkness as dinner time approached, the heavens laced with starlight which shone through the windows. 

"When's that Christmas party again," Ron asked as he lifted Hermione's legs off him. Hermione gave him a pout before she replied, "It's on the 20th of December I believe."

"Right....umm..who are you taking?"

"Oh um. I was asked by someone earlier who's part of the Slug Club...." Hermione but her lip slightly before she turned to face Ron. "I-I can still bring a guest so I was wondering if you'd like to come, Ron?". Ron stretched as he plopped on the carpeted floor, twidling his wand between his fingers. "Yeah, of course. Who's taking you?"

"No one important. Just a-a..um..friend." Hermione hesitated and picked herself off the sofa, Harry scootching himself to the middle. "I'll only be with him for a bit, then I'll join you both after," she packed up her books and parchment, not noticing the stern look on Ron's face.

"I thought of taking Luna," said Harry, breaking the tension, "As friends," he added as Ron gave him a confused look. "That's nice Harry. She'd be thrilled," Hermione finished packing and turned to the boys, one of which was nervously looking at the floor, while the other had his arms crossed firmly across his chest staring at Hermione. "I'm going to head down to dinner," said Hermione, she smiled, and stepped away. "Hungry," Harry mumbled to Ron as he followed Hermione. Harry felt a tug when Ron pulled him by the elbow and sat him back down. The portrait closed and silence fell upon the Gryffindor tower. "Who asked her?" Ron gave a searing look at Harry. Harry fumbled with his hands without saying a word. "WHO asked her?" Ron was staring straight into Harry's soul at this moment.

"I- um...I don't know,"

"I know you do Harry,"

"No I don't,"

"Yes you do,"

"No. I. Don't,"

"Sure you don't,"

"She doesn't want me to tell you, and as her friend, I will keep it that way,"

"Fine. I just hope it isn't that Mclaggen bloke," Harry gave a twitch at the comment and headed towards the portrait, a mumbling Ron tailing him. 

The tower was finally empty, its lights shutting off at the click of the portrait door closing. The only sound was the dim crackling of the golden fire which stood at the far edge of the room. Portraits started up conversations, entertaining themselves before the Gryffindors came back from the feast. "Those three," a portrait of a young Mcgonnagall mumbled. "They can be so smart, but when it comes to social life.." she shook her head, "They're just dumb," another portrait finished Mcgonnagall's sentence. All the portraits laughed in unison, some showing sympathetic looks. It seemed as though the common room was thriving, even with no physical presence, until a shuffling and a whimper sounded from the top step of the girls dormitory. The portraits went back to their positions, waiting for the source of the racket that was disturbing the serene atmosphere. 

We are taken to the top of the stairs, where a girl with dirty blond curls was shuffling around. She had pink ribbons weaved through her hair, a murderous look plastered on her complexion. Lavender was ripping open every drawer she could find, tracing the curtains, and sweeping the floor for a hair. A hair from Hermione Jean Granger. 

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