19- tech rehearsal

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Alexis and Nini's happiness was short lived.

When the two girls arrived inside, they walked past the theater and saw almost all of the cast and crew standing outside looking devastated. It smelled of smoke. When Alexis looked around, there were firemen everywhere. One came over to Miss Jen.

"I'm so sorry," she said, "but the show cannot go on. Nearly all of your props and costumes are ruined."

Miss Jen frowned as she walked away, Big Red appearing next to her with a charred basketball. "It doesn't look too bad... if you hold it this way?"

Everyone looked at each other sadly.

Nini saw Natalie Bagley and tapped her shoulder. "What happened?" She asked.

"The theater caught on fire over break," Natalie replied, distracted.

Nini and Alexis looked at each other in shock. Gina suddenly appeared next to them, and a chocked sob escaped her lips. Alexis pulled her into a hug.

"Okay, okay!" Miss Jen yelled over the noise. The students of the drama department all gathered around her and Carlos.

"Let's all take a minute. Hug your neighbor, take a breath. We're going to all meet in the cafeteria after school to come up with a new plan. Ricky and Alexis, spread the word please. What team?"

"Wildcats," everyone responded glumly. Miss Jen frowned again and walked away.

Throughout the whole day, none of the teens from the musical could even focus on their schoolwork, instead they were thinking about what they would do about the theater.

When Alexis arrived in the cafeteria after school, she saw Gina, Ricky, and Big Red all together at a table. She took a seat in between Ricky and Gina.

"We've worked so hard for this, all of us," Ricky was saying. "And now we may not even get to do the show. This was all I've been looking forward to, and, and..."

Alexis grabbed Ricky's hand as his sentence trailed off. Their eyes met for a moment before Ricky placed his head on her shoulder. Gina and Big Red shot each other knowing glances.

Miss Jen and Carlos walked in at that moment. "We're going to try and find a new place that we can use. Any suggestions?"

The cast took turns saying different theaters they knew of, all of which wouldn't work out. A few students sighed in frustration.

"What about the El Ray?" Someone said.

Carlos brightened. "My uncle works there! I'm sure he can get us in!"

Miss Jen paled at the mention of the theater, but everyone ignored it. The look was gone almost as quick as it had appeared.

Carlos called and he was able to secure them the El Ray for opening night.

"Yes!" Everyone cheered.

"Alright everyone. Let's load up the cars with any props or costumes that haven't been damaged, and meet downtown at the El Ray. What team?"

"Wildcats!" Everyone responded much more cheerfully than earlier.

The four teens stood from their table and follows everyone into the theater where they put things that were still usable into boxes and bins.

"I'm gonna take these outside," said Gina, gesturing to a few boxes of props. "I'll see you guys there."

Alexis waved at then she helped Ricky and Big Red bring more things out to Big Red's car. Then they all piled in and drove to the El Ray, the two boys up front and her in the back.

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