Chapter Four

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"Are you ready?" Cat asked as we pulled up to the hotel.

I nodded hesitantly. I thought long and hard for days, wondering if I should look for my child's father. It was not an easy decision because I knew that finding him would be a hassle. I don't know his name, how he looks or where he lives. The only thing I knew about my child's father was the color of his eyes and I picture those emerald eyes almost every night. I grew up without my father present and I don't want that for my child if I can help it, especially since I have yet to tell Royce what's going on. He'll be coming home for Christmas break on the 22nd. I have no idea how he'll take this news and I can't expect him to forgive me. I broke his trust, our commitment and I flushed four years down the drain. That is one conversation I really want to avoid.

"Good luck, I'll be here okay? So call me if you need me." Cat said.

"Thank you so much." I said.

I held my breath as I stepped out of the car and made my way to the revolving glass doors. The place looked exactly the same from when we were here almost 2 months ago. I straightened my back and walked up to the front desk.

"Good day, welcome to the Reynolds Grand Hotel, how can I help you today?" The lady asked.

"Um hi, I was here back in October when you guys had your Halloween party..."

"Masquermania! Yes!" She said smiling.

"Yea that, I was here with a gentleman who was staying in the penthouse and I'm sorry, but I really need to speak with him." I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, our guests that stay here are personal. I can't just give you access to no one's room." She said.

"Can't you just look, or give me a name?" I pleaded.

"It's all confidential ma'am."

"It's really important. Please if you can just give him a message." I said.

"I'm sorry ma'am I can't and even if I could we have a few penthouses, I wouldn't know who I'd be leaving this message for." She said gently.

My shoulder slumped in defeat.
"I'm sorry, but that is the hotel's policy. We must protect our guests." Her eyes were filled with remorse.

"It's okay, I understand." I mumbled.

I knew that the chance of finding out information here was slim.
I was turning to leave, when the lady stopped me.

"Miss, many people come here when we are having big events, you can try coming to our Christmas Ball in two weeks, on the 24th, maybe the gentleman you're looking for will attend." She suggested.

"Okay, thank you."

I slowly left feeling even more discouraged then when I came. I knew it wasn't going to be likely that I'd find him or even that he was still staying there, but I was hoping to at at least get a name. I was so distracted by my thoughts that I hadn't notice the person coming towards me until it was too late.

"Oh! I'm sorry." I said looking up.

My eyes met familiar hazel ones.
"Caleb? What you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"Ava, you do realize that I'm a Reynolds right?" He chuckled.

"Oh yea right." I forgot that his family owned this hotel. Boy, he is probably loaded.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"Um, I was just trying to find out some information." I said quickly.

"Okay, I have a meeting schedule for today."

"Yea, I forgot about that." I said. My gaze fell to the floor for a moment.

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