Chapter Twenty-One

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Mason and I decided to take the girls for ice cream. The ice cream truck was parked on the other side of the park. We packed up their toys and slowly made our way there. I can tell that Mason was reluctant for this day to end and I can't say that I blame him. I walked in between the girls holding their hands while walking alongside Mason. He kept tugging at his cap and looking around every so often.
"Are you a wanted convict?" I asked jokingly.
Mason looked at me and laughed lightly.
"Well not exactly, not a convict but definitely wanted."
"Oh wow." I chuckled.
"I don't want to have a run in with any paparazzi." He said.
"Wait, you actually have those kinds of problems?" I asked. I knew that they were in the public's eye but was it that bad that they have to hide from paparazzi?
"For the most part people don't care, but I have no doubt that you and the girls will pique their interest the minute they find out. I'm only hoping to hold it off as long as I can."
"Will it be bad?" I asked worried.
"It can get pretty bad if we don't handle this properly."
The last thing I wanted was for my kids and I to be scrutinized. I don't want to have to worry about who was taking pictures of us and watching. Mason must have noticed the worry on my face because he stopped walking abruptly and tugged on my arm.
"Hey, I would never let anything happen to them or you, okay? We can't control what people will say but we can control how we act and what we put out there." He said.
I nodded as we slowly made our way to the ice cream truck.
"What do they like?" He asked.
"Peppa is a vanilla lover while Lily loves strawberry." I said.
"And you?"
"Vanilla." I smiled.
Mason quickly paid for our ice creams. I handed the girls their cones and they took it excitedly.
"Thankie mommy." Lily said.
"Thank ou momma." Peppa said.
"You're welcome babies, don't forget to thank Mason." I said.
"Thankie Mathon."
"Thank ou."
I watched as Mason's eyes lit up at their words.
"You're welcome girls, why don't we walk while you eat your ice cream?" He asked.
They nodded happily to have their sweet treats. I took Lily's hand and realized that my other hand was occupied with my cone. Surprisingly, the problem was quickly rectified when Peppa slid her hand in Mason's. He beamed as we walked hand in hand with the girls. I wondered how we looked from the outside, a happy family I assumed. Mason wasn't even eating his ice cream, he was too busy watching Peppa as we walked, almost as if he was afraid she would fall. It was endearing.
"How are we going to do this?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I live in Seattle and you all live here. I can come down here as often as I can but I'm hoping you'll be willing to do the same." He said.
"I will, we can come up with a schedule, that way we know what to prepare for." I suggested.
"That's a good idea. But for now, I'll be here for a few days. I took some time away from work."
"Is that a good idea?"
"Well I am the boss." He smirked.
I was about to reply when Peppa dropped her ice cream by accident. I watched her little lip curled as her eyes began to water and she stared at her cone on the sidewalk.
"Oh no." I said.
"Mommy eye cream." She whimpered.
Mason crouched down quickly.
"It's okay sweetie, see I have an extra one just for you. I didn't even eat it." He said.
Peppa looked at him hesitantly before taking the cone out of his hand gently. The accident was quickly forgotten, and she started eating her new ice cream. Mason picked up the damaged ice cream cone and tossed it into a nearby trash.
"You're a natural." I smiled.
"I don't think so, at least not yet." He said as we started walking again.
"What will your girlfriend say with you being here for so long?" I asked suddenly.
"What will your boyfriend say when he sees me hanging around for so long?" He smirked.
I shrugged, "He won't be exactly thrilled but he understands the situation."
"Ditto." He admitted.
I knew that Chasity wasn't happy about the situation because I wouldn't be either, like how Mason can understand how Royce is feeling now.
"I can't get over how perfect they are, and I've only been in their presence for two hours." Mason said.
I chuckled, "they are pretty amazing."
"They're so smart for what, two year olds?" He laughed.
"Actually, they'll be two on Sunday." I said.
"Wow. Really? My birthday is the next day after, June 9th." He said.
"Yea? The big 30, do you have plans?"
Mason gave me a sly smile and brushed away the excitement that bubbled beneath my skin. "What?" I asked.
"Funny how you knew my age before I told you." He said.
I blushed instantly. I could kick myself for being so stupid. I learned his age when I was reading up on him and his family. Could I be more obvious?
"And no, whatever plans I had were cancelled. I needed to be here."
"You didn't have to do that."
"They're more important than some boring party with stuck up people I barely like.”
"Sounds fun." I said dryly.
Mason smiled, "What do you have planned for them?" He asked.
"A cocomelon themed backyard party." I said excitedly. I know the girls will absolutely adore the theme.
"Ahh, Caleb mentioned they were cocomelon lovers."
"Yes, they are. They watch it every day and probably know all of the songs. I was kind of busy this week so I can't wait to do the rest of my shopping Friday evening, I did most of it online." I said.
"You sound more excited than them." He chuckled.
I shrugged, "I want to give them everything."
"I can understand why." He looked down at Peppa and Lily who were finishing up their cones.
"If you want some company on that day, I'm more than willing to tag along." He said.
"I mean if you want, but I wouldn't be bringing the girls along because I don't want them to see anything." I said.
He shrugged, "That's fine."
"You don't think that would be weird though, only you and I?" I asked. I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea if they spotted us.
"Weird? After everything we did together going shopping alone would seem weird?" He asked.
My cheeks grew warm and I cursed my body for having such a reaction at his words. "You probably don't remember that night any more than I do." I said.
Mason chucked, "I'm not concerned about that. I see it as you embarking your knowledge. You have the answers to my many many questions."
"Okay." I smiled.
After we were done with our ice creams, Mason walked us back to my car. I grabbed wipes out the girl's bag so I could clean their hands and faces. Mason was very helpful in cleaning up Peppa, while I cleaned Lily. He helped me buckle them into their car seats and I walked around to the driver's side.
Mason stared at them lovingly through the window.
"It's funny, now that I've met them I don't want to leave them." He whispered.
"I know the feeling. You can video call them or we can make some arrangements for us to hang out again." I suggested.
"That would be great." He nodded happily.
"Thank you so much for today." He added.
"Anytime." I smiled.
I jumped into the car smoothly before buckling up and starting it. Mason knocked on my glass gently and rolled my window down.
"By the way, I do remember everything that happened that night." He smiled.
My eyes widened and I quickly lifted my window again as the blush took over my cheeks. I tried to ignore Mason's laugh as I threw the car in reverse and made my way out of the parking lot. I decided to put the windows down to allow some fresh air to get in the car and to clear my head.
"Did you girls have a good today?" I asked.
"Yeaa." They said nodding their heads.
"I hope you girls liked Mason, you were so good today and so smart." I said.
I decided to go by my mother's house so she can see the girls. When I pulled up out front, my mom was sitting outside under her umbrella table. I quickly got the girls out of their car seats and allowed them to run towards her.
"Nana!" They yelled.
"Look at my little gumballs!" My mom exclaimed.
She swooped the girls up in her lap with ease and hugged them close.
"Ohh Nana missed you soo so much." She said kissing them.
"Well don't you look comfortable sitting out here." I chuckled.
"Yes yes, noticed my cool iced tea?" She smiled waving towards her glass on the table.
"Yea, I do." I sat down in the empty chair in front of her.
Mom let the girls down to go in the yard and she tilted her head back, crossing her legs comfortably.
"Today is a nice day." She sighed.
"Surprisingly." I said.
"Joey and I are heading out tonight. I can't wait." She gushed.
"That's nice." I smiled. I'm quickly realizing that Joey makes my mom happy and if she's happy then so am I.
"Oh! How did everything go today?" She asked.
I smiled shyly thinking about the day we had.
"That good huh?" She smirked.
"It was nice mom, really really nice. You should've seen the look on his face when he saw them." I sighed.
"I can only imagine, something that big can leave a man speechless."
"I know, that's why I was so excited to see his reaction. He was a sweetheart."
"That's great honey, I'm glad everything turned out good."
"I know, I didn't know what to expect but he was really nice, and they took to him well. Peppa even allowed him to hold her hand."
"Damn and she's the shy one." She said looking towards Peppa.
"Have you decided if you want them to use the D word?" She asked.
"Yea I have, maybe not yet, when he is closer to them. He says he wants to be there full time." I said.
"Are you okay with that?"
"Of course, that's what I wanted for them. The opportunity to be in their father’s life."
"How does Royce feel about it?"
My mood shifted quickly, "He's not going to be jumping for joy mom." I sighed.
"Can you blame him?"
"No, of course not. I can understand why he feels wary, I was only hoping for some kind of support. I figured that with their father here, he wouldn't feel the need to fill that position." I said.
"He probably would've filled it eventually."
"Mom it's one thing to accept your own kids, it's a whole other thing to expect him to accept someone else's kids. Lily and Peppa have Reynolds all over them. I couldn't ask him to be their dad and where do you get off taking his side, you were the one telling me to take a chance, how they need a father?" I mocked.
"I'm not taking anyone's side and yes, they do need a father Ava. I'm only making sure that you know what's at stake."
"I do mom."
"Do you really? Mason Reynolds is a rich, handsome, young man. Those traits tend to be hard to ignore."
I rolled my eyes, "Nice to know what you think of me. I'm not that shallow."
"No, but I can see your heart on your sleeves." She said before sipping her drink.
My mom was right, I do wear my heart on my sleeve. I always thought of myself to be level-headed. I am so closed off and comfortable in my own little world that I always shied away from new things. This was why I was so applaud by my actions that night. Mason is a very attractive man and does have a way with words. I can't afford to open myself so willingly to him. It could lead to many hearts being broken and I really don't want those hearts to be my daughters.
Later that evening, I ordered take out for the girls and I. We were sitting in front of the tv in the living room eating our food when there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door.
"Details time." Cat shoved me out of the way and entered the house. I rolled my eyes at her actions.
"Oooo, food, I came at the right time. Hi girls." She said.
The girls waved as Cat quickly sat down next to Lily and started digging into the food that was laid out. I moved to reposition myself on the floor between the girls.
"So, tell me everything. How did it go?" She asked.
"It was great. He was a gentleman and very.....inviting." I shrugged.
"That's it? Where's the tea?" She asked.
"There's not much I can tell. We watched the girls play and talked for hours. He had so many questions about them, about us..."
"That sounds promising, will you be seeing him again?"
"Hopefully. We will make arrangements a little later." I said.
"Awesomeee. I'm so happy for you."
 Cat started wolfing down the food like she hadn't eaten in days. I raised a brow questioningly.
"What?" She asked.
"Starving much?"
"God yes, I haven't eaten anything since I had that coffee at lunch." She said.
That piqued my interest. "Coffee?" I asked.
"You don't drink coffee." I said.
Cat's back stiffened instantly, and she cleared her throat. "Yes I do."
"No, you don't. The only time I've ever seen you drink coffee is if you're nursing a hangover, but you never buy coffee on your own. You're the reason this house is filled with so many tea bags."
"Well I was in the mood for coffee."
"Uh huh, with who?" I asked suspiciously.
"Why does it have to be with anybody? Can't a girl just get some coffee on her own?"
"Not you, you skipped a meal to buy coffee. I'm not buying it, Cat." I said.
"With who?!" I insisted.
"Ugh fine, it was with Caleb okay." She mumbled.
My jaw went slack, "You dirty dog."
"Don't make this a big deal Ava."
"You are jumping down my back for details of my day, but you had a whole coffee date with my boss and wasn't going to tell me? You B I T C H.'' I spelt out, being mindful for any listening ears.
"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. It was just coffee."
"Just coffee? I've known Caleb for nearly three years and I've only seen him go on one coffee date. How did that even happen?"

"He asked me yesterday when he was helping me with my bags. I was in complete shock and I told him yes." She shrugged.
"How did it go?"
"It was okay." I glared at her.
 She sighed, "It was great Ava. He's funny and charming and such a gentleman."
"I'm glad you had a good time." I said honestly.
"I don't want to get ahead of myself you know. It was only coffee and he hasn't called or mentioned another date. I probably blew it before it even started." She groaned.
"I doubt it." I smiled.
"You think?"
"Trust me, he'll reach out to you again."
I know that Caleb likes her, I saw it the first time they met. I have no doubt that he will eventually reach out to her and secure another date.
"I hope so, and I'm glad things are working out with Mason. I know how much you wanted to find him."
"Yea for the girls’ sake." I said.
"Sure." She chuckled.
I rolled my eyes and continued eating.
Later that night after a nice bath, I decided to let the girls sleep in the bed with me. Nursing them is so much easier when I can lay down and relax. They cuddled under me as they nursed, and I read a book on my phone. Suddenly a video call was coming through from Royce. I answered it quickly.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi babe. Hi girlllllss." He said.
The girls simply waved their hands, unwilling to pull away from their milk.
"Ahh, I caught you at a bad time I see, that's cool." He smiled.
"How's everything?" I asked.
"It's okay, I can't wait to come back home though." He said.
"Will you be here for their birthday?"
"Of course, I'll be home by Saturday night." He assured me.
"Okay good."
"How was your day?"
I hesitated at his question.
"What?" He asked, noticing my doubt.
"Um, they met Mason today...." I trailed off.
Royce's face went blank instantly as he processed my words. "What?" He asked.
"He called me this morning and told me he was coming down to Vancouver today, said he wanted to meet them."
"And you just let him?"
"Well, yea. Why wouldn't I?"
"You didn't even say anything, at least you could've waited until I got home so I could be there. This affects me too Ava."
"I know I know, I'm sorry I didn't realize you wanted to be there. I thought you were going to avoid him like a plague."
"If this guy is going to be around now, why wouldn't I want to meet him?" He asked angrily.
"Okay relax, I'm inviting him to come to the girls party, you'll meet him then."
"I must be okay that you're over there with him and I'm thousands of miles away?"
"Royce stop it, it's not like we are doing anything. We are both in relationships, it's harmless."
"Ava, having a boyfriend didn't stop you in the past." He said suddenly.
Royce's words were like a blow to my gut. Every time he reminds me of what I did, I can feel the guilt seeping in. I want us to work, why can't he see that? Noticing the look on my face his anger sobered up.
"Ava, I didn't mean...."
"The man wants to be a part of his kids’ lives Royce. I won't take that away from him or them and I refuse to sit here and listen to you remind me of all my mistakes. So, you can get used to it or not, but he's here now."
I ended the call quickly and swiped away my tears angrily. Surprisingly the girls were fast asleep despite the heated conversation on the phone. I am so tired of this constant push and pull of Royce's and I relationship. I love him, I love him so much and losing him is not something I want. He has been there for me for six years. I don't want to lose him, but I can't keep going through this either. We have been having the same old fight for years and it's safe to say that I'm done with it. Mason is trying to do the right thing and be in his kids’ lives, I won't take that from him or make him believe he doesn't have a space in their lives. I believed him when he said he's not going anywhere. So Royce needs to come to terms with this sooner rather than later.

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