Chapter two

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The first thing I registered was music. The soft notes allowed me to drift in and out of consciousness slowly. My head was beating like a drum and my eyes felt like it was about to roll out of my sockets. I groaned throwing my arm over my face realizing then, that my mask was still in place. What the hell happened? Was I in a bed? I groaned as I slowly moved to sit up. I forced my eyes to open slowly, thankfully the room was dark. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I instantly realized I wasn't in my room. What the hell? Where am I? I quickly started to panic, my headache forgotten. I looked down and gasped. Where the hell are my clothes? Oh my God, what did I do? The ache between my thighs gave me the answer I needed. My eyes swam with tears as the reality of what happened sunk in and I stumbled out of the unknown bed half blind. I began searching for my clothes and noticed that the king sized bed was empty. Trying not to dwell on it further, I continued my search. I found my leather costume in the corner of the bed and tucked it under my arm quickly. I found my shoes shortly after near what I realized was the bathroom door. The door was gently cracked allowing the music to flow through the bedroom, the light was on and I heard the sound of running water. Who was this mysterious man? Why would I give him such power over me? Why did I sleep with him? Apart of me itched to see who this stranger was, to see what made him so different, but a bigger part of me wanted to get out and avoid any confrontation. I started to look for my phone, but I couldn't see anything. The water in the bathroom shut off quickly and my heart sunk to my stomach as I ducked out of the door, phone forgotten. I opened the bedroom door, revealing an entire living room. Wow, a Penthouse? There was a large coat that hung near the door and I quickly threw it on, not wanting to struggle with my leather costume again. I noticed my phone near the door and grabbed it quietly. I tipped out of the room quickly and headed for the nearest elevator. What had I done? How could I let this happen? I'm so stupid. With a beating headache I struggled to find Cat's and my room. My cellphone was dead which made matters a lot worse. Finally, after over fifteen minutes I managed to find our room. I was about to knock when the door was suddenly yanked open.
"Oh my God, oh thank God, Ava!" Cat said pulling me into a hug.

"Are you okay? I was looking everywhere for you! I was about to get security. Where were you and what are you wearing?" She rambled looking over my body.
I allowed her to pull me inside while I collected my thoughts.
"What happened last night?" I asked.

"I don't know. I left you by the bar to dance and when I went back, you were gone. I got worried, but I saw you dancing with a guy in V.I.P. One minute you were there and then you vanished. I was looking for you for hours Ava." She said.

"What time is it?"

"It's nearly 6 am, I lost you by 1." She answered.

"God, Catherine I'm so sorry. I'm so stupid. I was so drunk." I said holding my head.

Catherine lead me to the bed and handed me a bottle of water and pills."I figured. You were giving him a hard time and the next thing you were bumping and grinding on the dance floor." She said.

"God, why didn't you stop me?"

"I tried to! Don't you remember?"

I shook my head completely blank. I can hardly remember anything.
"You told me to leave you alone, that you were having fun. You were beginning to make a scene so I decided the watch you from afar. Then you went all Houdini on me. Seriously, what are you wearing?" She asked looking at the coat.

I yanked the mask off my face frustrated.
"Cat forget about what I'm wearing! I made the biggest mistake of my life."

"You slept with him didn't you?" She asked sadly. I nodded in shame.

"I woke up in the guy's penthouse Cat. I don't remember what I did, who he was, what he looked like. I just wanted to get the hell out of there." I explained.

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