chapter 5 || return

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"hey karl." i managed to mumble out. i felt embarrassed. my face felt wet from the tears and i knew it would show.

"what's the matter?" karl's smile instantly dropped.

"i just," i sighed and felt another tear stream down my face, "i miss you, so much. it feels like mom is insane and dad's never home. you are everything to me. you are my anchor to sanity. it's so difficult to keep doing this without you." i averted my eyes from the camera.

"i'm so sorry, y/n. i-" i heard the slight pause in his words, "i shouldn't have left you."

"karl are you insane?" i spat back, "yes, you should have. you weren't just leaving me, you were following your work. it was good for you. i've seen how well you're doing. it's okay. i would never blame you. it"

he let out a small chuckle, "yeah, it does suck. i bet i miss you more though."

i felt my heart warm, he misses me?

"no way," i gave a warm-hearted smile.

"go home y/n. i want you to be safe. once you're home, go to sleep. call me tomorrow so we can talk, please." he said in one big breath. i agreed and we said our goodbyes. after finding the nearest gas station, i found my way home.

i allowed myself to follow my brother's direction, and i went to bed.


i walked through a hallway, darkened. scared without reason. i looked around and saw a blue-stained glass window to my left. slowly, i walked over to it, and crept my face up to look out it.

gone as quick as it came, something was there. a monster of sorts. i wasn't sure what it was. it startled me and i fell back. not hitting the ground, i found myself confused feeling the comfort of someone's arms wrapped around me. i looked up to see a set of beautiful brown eyes staring at me.

i jolted up quickly, opening my eyes, panting for air. looking around, i saw i was in my room.

must have been a dream. no, another stupid nightmare.

i shook it off and got out of bed. i walked toward my computer, starting it up. while i waited for discord to load, i took the time to notice that it was evening. i picked up my phone to check, and my suspicions were confirmed. it was 2:45 P.M.

i had just woken up, at 2:45 P.M.

i opened my notifications and put my knee up in my chair, knocking over an empty monster energy can on my desk. i flinched at the sudden noise.

i saw that i has multiple missed notifications.

14 messages from " gremlin boy 👺 "

1 missed call from " quack-titty 🔫 "

1 message from " quack-titty 🔫 "

3 missed calls from " assface 🥺 "

7 messages from " assface 🥺 "

2 messages from " tubbo 😎 "

ah shit here we go again.

i decided i would actually look through my notifications. i pulled up discord on my computer and called karl. i opened my messages on my phone with him as well

assface 🥺
you up yet?

call me when you wake uo

okay time's up call me

"helloooooo" karl's voice came through the call.

"hola señor" i responded in a very american tone.

"way to be enthusiastic to talk to me," he said, sounding fake disappointed.

"well listen, there was something i wanted to talk to you about," karl started blabblering off

i hummed back, reading through the texts tommy spammed me, barely paying attention as karl spoke.

gremlin boy 👺

hello y/n
ha , i used your real name and that is very funny to me
answer me please
stupid woman
jk i love women don't cancel me twitter
will you answer me now
i would like to play minecraft with you and tubbo
answer because i need to stream
i am streaming without you, loser.

i laughed at tommy's antics as my brother continued to speak in the background.

"so, would you be down for that?" i heard karl finish off in a hopeful tone.

"huh?" was all i managed to get out.

"you're kidding right y/n" he groaned. i smiled to myself. "i was just wondering if you would like to come stay with me for a while? in like a month or two maybe? that's the brief version of it." he huffed out the last bit.

i felt my heart drop to my stomach. "stay? with you?"

he let out a soft chuckle, "y/n you are my sister, it wouldn't be a problem."

i hummed, "i feel like a burden to you."

"what," he said, very obviously shocked. "you could never be a burden to me."

i felt my chest warm. he always made me feel comfortable when i was hurting.

"listen, i have to go. i'll text you information because i just bought you a plane ticket," he giggled out.

"what!" i practically yelped out. "i could drive karl!"

"across the state? no chance. see ya soon!" and on that note the call ended.


another short chapter!! sorry bout this one guys 😩 but i only made this one short so the next one could be extravagant

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