I'm 16 now. I'm still in the same place as i always have been. Same lab. Same walls. Same white room. Same metal collar around my neck. But this time there's a scar up my neck from it's shock. To prevent feeling any pain like that ever again, i haven't rebelled since.
I like to think i don't have any emotions left anymore. It's easier that way. And i also like to think that someday i'll be able to get out of this place.
Everyday my powers become stronger and stronger. They've had to make adjustments to my collar over 20 times now to prevent myself from becoming to much for them to handle.
The door opened. "Kusuo, come with me please."
I sighed and followed his orders.
I followed him into a room with treadmill.
"Please step on the treadmill."
I followed his orders and got up on the treadmill. They began doing the regular and sticking wires to my body.
"When you hear the beep please start running. It will speed up so just be ready."
The machine made a beep and the treadmill began to move. I started with a small jog and then it got faster and i went into a full sprint.
They study me every day. But what they don't know is that I study them to. I've realized how curious they are, and how scared they really are. But no matter how scared they are there intelligent.
sweat dripped from my forehead.
If you think about it, a human could never outrun an animal. You would never think they'd survive in this world, but somehow they're at the top of the food chain. It's because of their intelligence. They've created technology far greater then you could imagine. Strong enough to make my powers almost useless.
I ran faster and faster and soon my breathing became louder and heavier.
But humans are also cruel. They want to control what they can understand. They kill their fears. They kill each-other for power and eat the people who are lower than themselves. They create systems. Systems that rip people apart until they have nothing left. And the laws kill the rest of them off. They start wars with each-other when they don't agree with each-other. They are cruel and selfish.
But the thing they are unable to kill, they fear the most. So they worship it. They call them gods. And you guessed it they kill each other for gods as well. If you believe in one or ten gods. They believe that you should love one another and be good. And they believe they are.
But they are all liars.
I began to wheeze and gasp for air. I wanted to stop running. I had been running for an hour straight at the fasted the machine went.
I stumbled a little. My mouth was dry and my body was drenched in sweat. I coughed on my spit and closed my eyes begging for it to stop.
The machine slowed down and relief flew over my body. the machine stoped completely and i fell to my knees trying to catch my breath. I felt as if i was going to throw up or pass out.
"Incredible! Congratulations kusuo you ran 55 mph."
"I don't care..." I coughed. "I need water-"
It hurt to speak.
They threw me a water bottle. I caught it and weakly opened it then gulped it down tell there was nothing left in the bottle.
A couple of the people in white coats lifted me up off the ground after unhooking me from the wires.
"Alright kusuo, Let's get you a nice shower ok?"
I sat on the floor of the shower. The shower room was fairly large with a tiled flour and a blue tint to its white walls. The water pouring down my face. I felt weak from that exercise. I've never ran that long before.
I ran my hands threw my pink hair that had now became heavy and soaked.
Clicking of heals filled the room and i looked over to see one of the white coated women. "Here are some clean clothes kusuo." She set the clothes on the bench on the dry part of the room. "Also please hurry up, there is someone here to see you."
I stared blankly as she left the shower room. I sighed and stood up. The tiled floor left a small imprint on my legs.
Someone's here to see me? I wonder who?
I finished washing myself off and then turned off the water. The handle squeaked.
I walked over to To the bench and dried myself off with a dry towel. I then grabbed the clean clothes and put them on.
They always looked the same, even when i was a kid. A white sweater and black sweatpants. I sometimes wished i could put on clothes that the others wore. They were colorful. In fact they were the only colorful thing in this place. All the walls were either white or a tint of blue.
I remember the outside world a little bit. It was also colorful. There was plants everywhere and the air was so clean and refreshing. It was quiet... other than people's thoughts, but i guess forgot i even had that power. There were animals everywhere, mostly cats, dogs, or birds. I missed seeing colors.
I walked out of the shower room and was soon escorted by another white coated person. They led me to a room i hadn't been in yet. It was filled with blue chairs. There was another man with a white coat on. He had light blond hair that went down to his shoulders. His eyes were a dark green, and he seemed to be around 5'9 5'10 a few inches taller than what i was now. He seemed so familiar.
The man smiled. "Hello Kusuo!" He said.
I hesitated, my eyes narrowed.
He walked to me with his arms open. I stepped back, he brought me into a tight squeeze. I tensed up.
"Oh kusuo i missed you-" I pushed the man off of me and he hit the floor and rolled a few times. He let out a high pitched moan.
The other people who escorted me ran to grab.
"N- No, that was my fault. I shouldn't of got in his personal space like that without asking first." The blond man said struggling to get up. "Wow that strength is amazing!" He said.
"Why does he want to see me exactly?" I asked.
"You don't recognize me?" The blond man asked.
"Um... no." I said.
"Kusuo, i'm your older brother! Kusuke!"
My eyes widened.
I have a brother? That's right. I have a brother. But... why would he want to see me? Wasn't it his fault i was here? But if he's here, then why aren't my parents? I know it was a long time ago, but i'm sure i remember them being caring? Do they not want to see me? Or are they afraid to.
"So, then why are you here?" I asked.
"I'm here to take you home, Kusuo!" He smiled.
I felt something, something i hadn't felt in a long long time. It filled my chest.
I felt joy.
"Yes, home! With mom and dad and me!"
He was kind...

Lab Rat (Saiki K)
FanfictionEsper Saiki Kusuo has been in a lab since he could remember. He wishes he could be out in the real world, but how can he when he's so different from everyone else?