I was already done with school and was now entering my new home.
I walked in.
"Welcome home Ku! How was your first day of school?" My mom said greeting me.
I lips drew to a thin line as i thought about kango. "It was fine." I said. I'm not risking anything being reported.
"That's great." She said. "Dinner will be ready soon ku, so why don't you go and do whatever we'll i finish getting it ready ok?"
I nodded my head.
time skip.
After eating i went to take a hot bath in the bathroom. I turned on the water. Then I took off my shirt. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I stared at all the small scares on my body, and the one that ran down my neck to my chest and slightly to the end of my face. I leaned over the sink and looked closely into my eyes. I never actually looked at them. They were filled with a vibrant magenta. But even with all that color, they were so lifeless. I've heard that you're eyes are the window to your soul, if that's true then why do i see nothing in them? So vibrant yet so bland. Not a single emotion in them. I pulled at the under eye skin with my middle finger, which then moved down my face to my neck following the scare and ending at the collar.
I sighed and finished getting undressed and entering the hot bath.
I let myself slump into the water.
Today was exhausting.
I was so tired, i could fall asleep in here-
I woke up.
I squinted from the white filled room, trying to figure out my surroundings.
My heart skipped a beat when i realized i was strapped down and in the laboratory.
Was that all just a dream. I don't understand?
I looked up to see a strange cylinder shaped machine over top of me.
I tried to pull myself out of the metal straps.
The metal underneath me felt cold on my bare back.
I looked around frantically, making eye contact with multiple of the people in white coats.
"Ok kusuo, we will now begin."
"wait!" i said. But it was to late and the cylinder machine started to lower.
I pulled that the metal straps again.
The cylinder now met my chest and pushed down.
"Starting with 50 pounds."
The pressure got heavier.
"100 pounds."
"200 pounds."
"300 pounds."
"400 pounds."
It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
Please stop. Please stop."600 pounds."
I want to go home please.
The machine got louder and lowered as it continued to put more and more pressure on my chest. They're tested my durability. How much weight it takes to hurt me.
But i can't breathe.
"1000 pounds."
It hurts.
It hurts.
I couldn't yell for them to stop.
I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
I felt as my ribs snapped and broke into prices.
I jerked and twisted, but i didn't scream. Just let out small exhales. I couldn't inhale.
The machine lowered faster, now there was nothing to stop it.
Tears streamed down my face.
I can't breathe, I can't breathe.
It felt as the water had filled my lungs. I was suffocating in it.
I tried to kick and thrust myself out.
Suddenly i felt like i was getting pulled out of it.
The water left my lungs. I could now breathe. And as soon as i could i let out all the screams that were being held back. kicking and covering myself with my hands.
I felt like someone was attempting to restrain me.
I felt water run down my body and the air was now cold.
"Kusuo! Kusuo! It's ok! You're ok!"
I opened my eyes.
I was back in the bathroom. But I was now out of the tub and being held tightly by my father. My mom beside him.
I let my body relax as my heart raced and i shook a bit, taking in every breath of air i could.
"It's ok, ku. You're safe. You're home." My mom strocked my natural pink hair. She then grabbed a towel and wrapped me in it.
I rubbed my head. "What happened?" I asked.
"Well you had been in the bathroom for 3 hours so we went to check on you and heard splashing. So we called for you and when you didn't respond we barged in and saw you had fallen asleep under the water." My dad said.
"Oh." I said with a neutral tone. "I'm sorry for scaring you."
Sounds of thumping filled the halls and Kusuke entered the bathroom. "Is everything alright?" he asked frantically.
I leaned back and against the tub filled with now cold water.
"Everything is fine." I said wrapping the towel tighter around me body to preserve heat from escaping my body.
"Oh, well that's sure a relief. I heard screaming and got worried something had happened."
Well something did happen.
"This is all part of the experiment right?" I asked.
"Well... yes." Kusuke said.
"Then that means i'll eventually have to go back right?" I said.
"What?!" My mom cried.
Kusuke paused for a second. "No, you won't ever have to go the that place again. They will just monitor you from a far." He said.
I sighed in relief. I believe him. But a part of me said differently.

Lab Rat (Saiki K)
FanficEsper Saiki Kusuo has been in a lab since he could remember. He wishes he could be out in the real world, but how can he when he's so different from everyone else?