Sixth Grade

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        I moved to a town called Cimi Valley, or better known as the valley of the winds. I had a choice I could go to elementary school for sixth grade or I could to middle school. Since we moved right next to a middle school called Sidehill Middle School I decided it was better if I just wnet to middle. What a mistake that was.

         Literally the first day of school my teacher made a fool out of me. His name was Mr. Remple. He was cool; he liked to throw stuff at people. Mr. Remple loved to give people nicknames: mine was Carpe. I mean all my teachers loved me, but it was a different situation with the other students. One girl said I was too perky, which pretty much means abnoxious. I had a really hard time trying to make friends. I did make one friend her name was Hail Dunbar. Her and I didn't last long; she ended up being a fake friend who used me. 

        I thought since I changed myself back to normal that I'd be not as big of a target to get bullied, but i was wrong. Almost everyday people would tell me how fat I was. Yeah, it damaged my self esteem a lot, but I mean there was nothing I could really do about it. 

       My mom introduced me to a girl named Taylor, who lived in the neighborhood. Taylor turned out to be a lesbian; I found out the hard way. She didn't simply tell me she was a lesbian. Oh no, it never is that way is it. She full on full came on to me. I mean I was young and I had no idea what i was doing, so I went with it, but just thinking back on it I am repulsed. She sexually harassed me, but I didn't go to the cops, because she was my "friend". 

        So we started "dating", but my mom didn't know I was dating her. Now i change my mind this was thee worst mistake i've ever made and it's finalized right now. Anyways, Taylor smoked which is gross, but I never told her that. One night I was spending the night at her house and she went and got a cigarette from her brother and asked me if I wanted to smoke, and i told her no that wasn't for me. Taylor wouldn't take no for an answer; she tried to shove the cigartte into my mouth, but I refused it. I wasn't smart and just go home, I got ran into the bathroom and locked the door.  While I was locked in the bathroom Taylor took all of my money, and it was about two hundred dollars. That's where I ended things, and to this day I've never told my parents and I never will.

I guess you could say this school year was terrible, besides the fact that i got straight A's. That summer my mom wanted me to make friends so she sent me the the YMCA camping trip. The trip was all about singing, making friends, more singing, camp fires, a lot of activities, and a secret group. This whole trip they said was tied with god. the way they tied God into it was they just sang a lot of songs about him and his glory. 

        I got put into a cabin with a whole bunch of girls older than me. I didin't eally bond with anyone so much that i kept in contact with them. My camp councilers were pretty cool. Things got pretty serious. That night we played a game; it was kind of like a truth game. The camp counciler would ask us a personal question and you would have to answer it. it was basically where you told your life story. Everyone in my cabin had messed up lives including me. I mean after that everyone worried about eachother. my councilers seemed to worry about me a lot. Like one time we were making bracletes and i started to wrap the rope around my fingers and they got all worried and told me to stop, but when I get nervous I do stuff like that. It was a lot of fun and i was sad that I had to go.

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