Fifth Grade

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        I was finally in fifth grade and I was at the top running the school. Fifth grade was much different than all the other grades below my grade. People began to treat me differently. I wasn't getting bullied, but other people would say I was being a bully.

         I was popular for the first time ever I was "accepted" for who I was. To be honest I wasn't really me I was just an image of what they wanted me to be. It all started when I started talking to the Tekno Boyz. The Tekno Boyz were the most popular guys in the school not to mention they were in a dance group.

        There was four Tekno Boys: Nick, Many, Tristan, and Jake Vargas. At first the guys didn't really talk to me, but i made a plan. My plan was to find out What Tristan like and give it to him; at the time he was the most eye catching guy in the group to me. I found out that Tristan liked skateboards, now as a girl who has a crush they'd do almost anything to please the guy, and that's just what I did. i actually bought him a skateboard. Oh how i was ignorant as a child, but it worked and i was in the group. 

        Once I was in the group I came to like Jake, and he said he sorta liked me back. Of course Ray was really jealous, but i didn't care. Everyone was talking to me and being nice to me, i thought  the best part was the fifth grade corner. The fifth grade corner was where only the coolest of the cool kids got to hang out at recess and lunch, andi can't believe they let me into the corner.

        Jake alway did weird things to me like one time when he was scared he grabbed my bra strap yeah it's only really creepy. some of the popular girls aske me to be in their dance for the talent show and another group asked me to be in their cheer routine. 

        It sempt like everything was fine, but it wasn't. My dad and mom got divorced, and my mom was planning to move us to a different city next year. I wasn't ready for change. I didn't want to go to a middle school where i knew no one. Sydney and i weren't friends anymore, because her mom said she didn't want her to be my friend anymore. So what does Sydney do? She turns around to Jessica who she said she wasn't going back to and asks her to be her new best friend; that was a stab right in the heart. 

        Well the last day of fifth grade Nick had a pool party. I still majorly liked Jake so like a helpless puppy dog I followed him everywhere except for the bathroom. We all ended up in the hot tub, and Nick offered me a dollar and I said sure. It gets gross really fast; he reaches into his swim trunks and pulls out a dollar. Yeah I ended up declining the dollar. Well I wanted to talk to Jake so I asked him to sit next ot me, so he swam near me then nick holds Jake's shorts and his butt was just there it all happened too fast to look away, but I died of laughter it was hilarious.

        My fifth grade year was different. it was the kind of different you just come to hate. I hated who I was; I was bully. I hated that I was someone who I loathed for all of my life. I wanted to change. In the summer before going into sixth grade I had an adittude check; it took a while, but when I moved in the sixth grade I was myself again.

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