Third Grade

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Finally things were okay in the third grade. Sidney moved, and went to a different school; I stayed at Justice. Even though the bullies still bullied me at least I had a guy.  I guy I liked named Ray, and he actually liked me back.

On the third day of school Ray came up to me asking me out; of course I said yes. That same day he asked if I wanted to hang out after school. I first had to ask my mom if I could go, and she said yes.

Once we got to Ray's house he wanted to build a fort so his dad got a huge box so we could hang out inside there. His older brother, Josh, wanted to come inside the fort. He had to guess the password; the password was please. It took I'm only five tries. After he came into the box we decided to play truth or dare. That game gives me the butterflies especially if I'm playing with a guy I like. Ray asked me, "Truth or Dare Alex?" In my mind I was giggling, because he gave me a cute nickname! "Dare," I finally said. All of the sudden he got a big grin on his face as he said, "I dare you to kiss me." His brother oohed as I blushed. For a couple if seconds I gazed at his big blue eyes and his pale freckled skin; seconds later I closed my eyes and leaned in; my heart was pounding so loud I swear he could hear it. At last our lips met; I tensed up not realizing what was happening. After a minute passed I broke the bond between our lips. I crawled out of the box and called my mom to pick me up.

 As you know us girls like to talk about romance a lot; so the next day I told people that I kissed Ray Latham. One girl was really shocked he was popular. Anyways he over heard me saying this and he said i was crazy and how that never happened. He that popular group made fun of me. I was so upset that I ran into the girls bathroom crying my eyes out. When I reached the bathroom I locked myself in a stall; I thought they were done harassing me for the day, but I was wrong. By that time they were trying to open the stall door, I quickly climbed through the three other stalls. They all turned to find me heading out into the back door that lead to the hall. I ran down that hall like a little rabbit running for its life. The lunch bell finally rang so I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran to class as I wiped away my tears.

I sat down in my seat as the whole class stared at me, as they line up against the wall. I totally forgot that we were changing seats. I quickly grabbed my items and stood against the wall. Mrs. Ruby sat me right in the front next to Ray; that's just great. As I sat down he leaned over and told me he wanted to talk to me after school.

After school I met Ray behind the school. He said that he was sorry, but I was pissed and i wasn't going to let that slide. I tried to ignore him, but then he said something that I hated. He said that he couldn't date me if people knew about it. I told him that I wouldn't do it and that we were done. Every day Ray would always try to get me to be his girlfriend again. And every day I said the same response; no.

Finally it was the last day of school of course people bullied me, but let me get straight to the point. After school Ray came over to me; I was getting ready for him to ask the same question again, but this time it was different. he came up with a bouquet of flowers, and a letter. He handed me the letter, and told me to read it. It read,

Alex I'm sorry for being a jerk that was soo uncool of me, I hate how we ended things. it was all my fault, I messed things up. Everybody makes mistakes, and I'm just asking you, please; will you give me second chance?

I looked at him as he gave me the bouquet of flowers; I knew what he did was really wrong, but who would I be if I didn't give Ray a second chance. I said yes and I knewthat I'd eventually regret my desicion. He had the biggest grin ever, and he then picked me up twirling me. As he set me down he kissed me on the cheek; I knew that this summer was going to be awesome.

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