Chapter 13

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Raph's POV
I punched the training dummy like it had stollen my comic books (because apparently I couldn't do this to Mikey).
As much as I hated to admit it, Mikey was right about the skele-bros. I really didn't want to see Papyrus go.
I mean the kid was cool, and he thought I was cool so that was an added bonus.

And I guess maayyybee Sans was okayyyy so to speak.
Ok fine he was cool.

I stabbed the dummy more vigorously.

'Raph I think it's dead' Mikey said firmly, putting his hand in my shoulder,

I sighed, letting my arms drop as Paps raced past me, a small halo of orange tinted bones hovered around him.
I watched in admiration as he hurled his projectiles at the figure, his eye lights blazing with excitement.

'Mikey! Raph!' Leo called from the lab, lowering his voice as we reached him 'Donnie and Sans are nearly done recalibrating the...'

'What?! Already?!' I yelped... I mean demanded,

'Uhh yeah' Leo said cautiously, 'Sans and Papyrus will be able to return home in a day or two if everything goes smoothly'

'Oh' Mikey said quietly, looking at his feet. It was one of those rare moments when he wasn't vibrating with pent up energy.

The two of us turned back to our young apprentice.

April had gotten him some new clothes, his pyjamas weren't taking the sewer life very well.
Instead he wore a pair of plain black shorts and a lightning McQueen jumper (he really like red race cars).

Paps turned away from the now fully dead dummy, a big grin on his face.

'How did I do?' He asked

'Better than Raph' Mikey supplied, a ghost of his usual smile crossing his face,

'Hey!' I protested over Papyrus' giggles.

'Do you really think I'm as cool as Raph?!' He said bouncing up on the balls of his feet,

'You're definitely cool, but Raph was never really...'

'You're gonna pay for that!' I barked at my brother who took this as his cue to run,

Sans POV
I winced as the ruckus outside the lab only made my headache worse,

I rubbed my temple, 'You really should get some rest Don' I suggested

Said turtles looked at me sternly 'Sans you can't be serious, I wasn't the one who pulled and all nighter! You've been awake for like 43 hours!'

'Heh you gotta point D' I said sheepishly, proving him right with a giant yawn.

He smiled at me sympathetically, 'get some rest, I can manage without you y'know'

'Sounds like a snore but I'll give it a shot' I joked, earning an eye roll.

'I got Leo! Get going' he said shooing me from the premises as I tried to clean up my workspace,

'Ok ok sheesh' I muttered, the lab door slamming behind me,

Welp now I know where the noise was coming from.
Raph was holding down his younger brother, and by the looks of the place Mikey hadn't gone down without a fight.

'Oww! Raph! Get. Off. Me!' Mikey squealed

'Who's the best?' Raph demanded

'You are!'


'I am just a lowly worm not fit to live on the same earth as one so mighty as you!!'

'Eh, good enough' Raph shrugged, releasing Mikey, 'see Papyrus that's how it's done'

My younger brother looked like he was going to explode from what is known as coolness overload.

I hope he never turns out like Raph.
No offence.
Well kinda.

'Looks like you're having a lotta fun, but I think Paps and I should hit the hay. Tackle that sleep schedule am I right' I said, struggling to keep my eyes open, I hadn't realised how tired I
actually was.

'Sans!' Papyrus exclaimed

'Are you worried about my humorous puns or the fact the you have to go to bed' I asked, only receiving a glare in return 'I'm going with both'

Our two human friends chose that moment to enter the lair.

'Listen to your brother on this one' Casey pitched in, the only time I was ever great full for his opinion 'which reminds me, are you guys ready for patrol?'

'How are those two things related?' I muttered irritably under my breath,

'Yeah give us a sec' Leo called from the lab.

'So Sans' April asked in the hopes of striking up conversation 'how's progress on that Kraang portal?'

'Pretty good actually' I replied stifling a yawn 'coden't ask for better results'

'I don't get it' Casey stated over April's chuckle

Of course he wouldn't.

'Stupid says what?' I mumbled, it's the oldest trick in the book, yet still works every time.
Petty, perhaps, but I didn't care.

'What?' He seemed more confused than ever,

'We really should get going!' April exclaimed glancing at me, amused.

'Agreed' Leo said, even though he'd only just joined the conversation he seemed to pick up on my annoyed vibes. He had a knack for knowing when I wanted to gutter stomp Casey Jones, 'Donnie's going to stay here and keep working'

'Ok see you guys later' I said, steering my younger brother off to the TV pit as the five of them scampered off into the maze of tunnels.

Apparently it was too much of an ask to fall asleep quickly, instead I tossed and turned, thinking about various stressful topics.

For example; having to leave my new friends (specifically Mikey), seeing the stars for the last time and wondering what happens to everything when one flushes the toilet (magic isn't a thing here).

After what felt like forever, I drifted into uneasy sleep.

Sorry it's been a while,
Well I mean it hasn't been that long...
But still.
Sorry...not really.
Aaannyway, I'll prolly post the next chapter within a more reasonable timeframe, maybe.

Votes are appreciated!

*sprints off into the sunset*

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