Chapter 14

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Sans' POV
I was awoken by the usual clattering of pots and pans as Mikey rummaged through the kitchen cupboards, looking for various cooking utensils.

I groaned rolling over onto my side.
It was no surprise that Papyrus' sleeping bag was already empty.

Today was the day, I told myself, I'm gonna finish that portal and get Paps and I outta the way.

I mean, we had to go. We were a liability, we were also endangering our friends.
The Kraang could track my brother and I, it was only a matter of time before they came for us again.

I pressed the palm of my hand into my one exposed eye socket, using the other arm to prop myself up.

'Good morning brother!!' Paps hollered from the kitchen

'Yeah welcome to the real world sunshine' I heard Mikey add,

'Heh, mornin guys' I stumbled to my feet only to be hit by a wave of dizziness and nausea.
Stupid damaged eye.

Entering the kitchen I was hit with a variety of different smell; eggs, toast, bacon, beans.

'Smells eggcellent' I noted

Unlike Papyrus, who huffed in annoyance, Mikey decided to ignore my witty comment,
'So what's on the agenda today?' He asked with a rather forced carefree attitude,

'Oh uhh, just the usual, y'know with the portal and stuff' I muttered

Awkward silence.

Paps looked at me, then at Mikey, then at me again, if he could feel the tension, he made no comment.

I soared the task of resurrecting the conversation as Leo walked into the room.

'Morning' he said, taking a seat next to me at the table.

'Hello Leo' Paps said cheerfully

'Hey Papyrus' Leo smiled at my brother 'so Sans I've been meaning to ask you about your magic, because well, this might be the last chance I get'

I saw Mikey stiffen.

'Yeah sure, waddya wanna know?' I replied, to be honest I'd been expecting it.

Mikey's POV
I managed to zone out for the entire conversation, I'd been too busy brooding over the nonnegotiable departure of my soul-bro (like soulmate but infinite times cooler and better)

'Uhh Mikey?' Sans voice snapped me back to reality 'I know cooked eggs are good and all but fry think you're overdoing it'

I looked down, sure enough the eggs were beginning to enter the 'hardened volcanic magma' category.

'Ahh sewer apples' I groaned, as I attempted to salvage breakfast.

'Mikey...are you alright?'

I turned, Leo and Paps had evidently left the kitchen, leaving me alone with Sans.

'Pfff yeah for sure dude' I said 'I'm a-ok'

The skeleton looked at me sternly. Even though he was a small dude in trackies, a t-shirt and a bandage that covered half his head, he managed to exert dominance...kinda.

'Listen Mikey' he sighed 'I don't want to have to go either, I hate leaving people behind. But you know as well as I do I don't belong here. Hell it's dangerous for me to be here'

'I...I know, it's's just...' My voice broke, I huffed in frustration, 'what I'm trying to say is that I've know you for like two weeks and you're already my best friend, I've lost someone I really cared about before to the Kraang, I don't want something like that to happen to you. I understand why you have to go, it's just...hard'

Sans stared at his hands resting on the counter top 'I know how you feel' he whispered,

There was probably a story there, but I didn't want to press him. He'd tell me if he wanted me to know.

We both were lost in thought when Donnie entered the kitchen.

'Goodness me I'm tired' he mumbled pouring himself a cup of coffee 'morning Mikey, Sans.
Oh that reminds me, that virus we've been working on, Sans, I think it's nearly ready'

'Virus?' I asked

'Yeah, it's irreversible. Once we release it into the kraangs equipment it will prevent them from ever entering Sans and Papyrus' dimension ever again' Donnie said excitedly

'How would you, y'know, sabotage them all? I mean we've only got one' I pointed out

'All Kraang devices are connected, if we infect one, we infect them all' D explained


'Cool isn't it!!'

'Yeah' I muttered 'cool'

Sans POV
I flipped the laptop closed, rubbing my working eye.

It was around noon, and as Donnie predicted, we'd successfully perfected the virus.
Well when I say we, it was largely him.
I'd spent a lot of that time disconnecting a single Kraang portal from the 'technological hive mind' so to speak.
Call me a crazy selfish bastard all you want.
No actually feel free because I have no excuses.

The small metal device was tucked into my pants pocket. I could feel the hard edge pressing against my femur uncomfortably.

The reality of it was, I was 100% honest when I told Mikey I hated leaving people behind.
So much so that I'd practically given myself a migraine just trying to ensure I had a way to stay connected.
Or you could look at it like I was just some sentimental fool who was willing to jeopardise a whole dimensions safety for my simple desires.
But I'd rather you didn't.

Mmkay mmkay
Bit short I know but I setting the scene alright!! Alright!!

Yours truly, me, is getting outta here.
Coz I'm tired...and don't want to write anymore.

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