Chapter 6

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Leo's POV
We rushed back to the lair, racing through the tunnel at full speed.

Leaping over the ticket barrier I scanned the area for my brother.

'Mikey?' I called uncertainly

No one answered me.

'Mikey! Where are you? Come out here, now! I'm not kidding! Mikey!' My voice gradually becoming more frantic.

The three of us scoured the lair, finding nothing.

'Ok, so they clearly left the lair, we know that much' Donnie said scratching his chin.

Raph rolled his eyes 'no shit' he muttered.

We were gathered in the TV pit, April and Casey were on their way.
The more eyes on our side the better.

'They could be anywhere' Raph exclaimed 'I mean they might not have even left by themselves'

'Are you suggesting that they were captured' Don asked

'Well I mean maybe' Raph replied 'but they're probably just went skateboarding'

'One of them literary has a broken collar bone, I don't think skateboarding would be the wisest choice' Donnie pointed out

'Leo? You good?' Raph asked cautiously

It was only know that I realised I'd been staring at the blank tv, not listening to their convocational duet.

'Guys what's wrong?' April asked as she entered the lair, Casey at her heals.

'Mikey is missing' Raph replied

'Are you sure he's y'know, not just skateboarding?' She mused

I sighed and began to explain the whole 'guest' situation.
How we found him in the hands of the Kraang, injured.
How Mikey and him are like inseparable.
What we found while doing some digging at TCRI; that he was basically a super weapon crucial to kraangs world nomination 2.0

'So this Sans guy could be like evil and stuff' Casey said 'I mean he could have just done something to Mikey then gone on to pretend he's from earth to live a full and evil life'

'No he can't, he's a skeleton' Donnie said like it was the most normal thing in the world 'I don't know if earth would be anymore accepting of him than it is of us...'

'He's a WHAT!' Casey yelped

'Skeleton' Donnie repeated

'Whoa whoa whoa' April said holding up her hands 'so you found a skeleton and brought him back to the lair'

'Well, yeah' Raph said 'what would you've done, just left him?'

'Ummm yes?'

'That's cold April'

'Guys shut it' I snapped, they looked at me in shock 'we need to find both of them ASAP, who knows what Sans has done to our brother...'

'Leo I don't think Sans would have done anything on purpose...' Donnie began

I cut him off 'when your done explaining to these two let me know, I'll be in my room'
I marched off and slammed my door behind me.

This was his fault, that stupid runty skeleton

I knew that logically this was highly unlikely, but I wanted, no, needed someone to blame.

So ugh this was a short (like me!) chapter.
Soz but not really 🤘
Next chappie soon ma dudes.

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