Apex Headquarters
in Apex labs, the scientists were busy experimenting with stolen Titan DNA. Up on the balcony overlooking the labs was Clark Nelson and Alan Jonah.
Alan: how's things?
Clark: oh, I suppose they're going well, Titan DNA is a rather extreme market
Alan: well at least you have the expert right here. What Will the DNA be used for?
Clark: other projects and genetic experiments, however..
Alan: however?
Clark: we are in need of one Titan's DNA, one no one ever has had their hands on, Godzilla's.
Alan: well then, that will change, I'll make sure we get a pure sample of Godzilla's DNA with a little help. *Leaves*
Rodan: Fire and Ice
Aksiwhen a dark Titan from long ago reawakens to bring ice cold terror to the world, Rodan the Fire Demon is to take on this icey menace of long ago. Elsewhere Apex is beginning to make big discoveries in places Monarch would never approve of.