03 ↣ WHAT?!

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A/n: ok so I may or may not have edited this in class and I also wish we ain't have to start school again but eh

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A/n: ok so I may or may not have edited this in class and I also wish we ain't have to start school again but eh. What the street looks like is above. Enjoy🕺🏽!!


All the boys and your friends froze. They then scrambled to where you and Suna were to try prevent what they knew was coming. You were about to say something until you realized how quiet Suna was. Glancing up at him, you quietly said, " B-babe?" You look at your friends. They all look extremely scared and when you looked at Suna that's when you realized. He was being protective.

Suna looked up with a feral look in his eyes. Just before he launched himself at the man, Daichi, Kuroo, Bokuto and Tanaka held him back. "CALM DOWN BRO!!!" Kuroo yelled. Suna kept struggling and the man stood there smirking at the whole ordeal.

Then something that made the whole situation worse happened. The man looked at Suna and said "I wonder how your little one tastes." He then forcefully grabbed you and kissed you right in front of Suna. At this point all music had been cut off and everybody was starting at what was going down.

You were struggling and fighting to get away from him as your friends tried to help you get away from him and more of the boys are helping to hold Suna back. "LET ME THE FUCK GO NOW!!!" Suna yelled, absolutely pissed off. He watched as you tried kicked and fight your way out of the man's grasp.

The last straw for Suna was seeing two things. The man's hand was making it's way to your pants and he saw your tears. You were actually crying. In a flash, everybody who was helping to hold Suna down was suddenly knocked off of him as he lunged his way to the stranger that was harrassing you.

Suna had enough and he was going to let whoever this guy was know no not go anywhere in your direction ever again. Suna started punching and cussing at the man, knocking out at least 3 of the guy's teeth, giving him a black eye and busting his lip open. Suna was being pulled off of the man as his hands were covered in blood.

You fell to the ground crying while your friends tried to comfort you. Suna was about to break free from whoever was holding back when something was heard by everyone in the party. "NO!! I WANT RIN PLEASE!!" It was you. Some of the guys friends was trying to gang up on you and your friends. The guys then started fighting them off while Suna was getting more pissed by each second.

As the fighting continued, Suna was still busting up the face of the dude that was harrassing you. You sat there realizing you weren't about to let the boys do all the fighting. You got up to try and get Suna off the guy when a girl you knew that didn't really like you so much hit you in the back of the head with her bag. "OW WTF WAS THAT FOR?!" You turned around yelling. She looked you up and down, scowl on her face saying, "I don't get what Suna sees in your ugly ass."

"Excuse me?!" you said confused while still rubbing your head. "Listen I don't know why your here and what exactly it is your trying to do but ima need you to get out of my face. I need to go help my boyfriend so byeeee." You said to her. "Oh I don't think so..", she said darkly. All of sudden you were being dragged to a dark part of the room. "ARE YOU MENTAL OR SOMETHING LET ME GO!!!", you screamed.

Due to there being so much noise already, nobody took notice of what was happening. You fought with her and you were winning. Then somehow you managed to hit her square in the head. Before she was knocked out, she pulled out her phone and said something that you didn't catch. You stood there, watching her. 'What the hell is she doing..?' you thought to yourself.

Then all of a sudden you heard the sound of sirens coming your way. Your eyes widened. Somebody had called the police. You knew that you had to get out of here and fast. As you turned to run to find Suna and your friends, you were hit in the back of the head and something was put over your mouth. 'WTF?!' you thought. You kicked and squirmed. Somebody was holding onto you tightly and running out with you. It was then it clicked to you. The little hoe called for backup. Then you started blacking out.

Suna and the rest of the gang heard the sirens coming there way. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Atsumu yelled. "Who the hell called the police?!" Tsukki asked while rubbing his temples. "I have no idea but we gotta get outta here fast!", Suga said. As they were running out, your best friend realized something. They stopped and looked around then horror and worry fulled their eyes. "GUYS STOP!!" They said. Everybody stopped immediately. "What's wrong BSF/N?! We need to go NOW!" Yaku said. "Y/N ISNT HERE!!" Your best friend cried.

Their eyes widened, realizing that your best friend was right, you were nowhere I sight. "WHAT?!" Suna yelled. "Do you think y/n ran too when they heard the sirens?" Hinata asked. "If they did, they would've at least called to say that their safe", Kenma answered. "Oh hell no.." Suna said as he ran back in the direction of the party. "SUNA WAIT UP!!" Osamu yelled as everybody chased after him.

While running back to where the party was, they passed another group, which happen to also have Terushima, whom was like a big brother to you, with them. Teru was walking while the others were running. He had in his earbuds listening to music. He had no idea that you and the rest of your friends were at the party. Like Suna, he was extremely protective of you. So you can imagine the shock on both his and Suna's faces, along with the rest of his friends when a random person in the group said something they were not expecting.

"Yeah kiyoko and yachi are still there. They're talking to the police right now. Apparently the police said that somebody by the name of Y/N I think is either missing or dead. Nobody hasn't seen them since the incident."


A/n: Hope you enjoyed😁!

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