11 ↣ SAVED??

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A/n: Yall I am SO sorry these updates are coming out later than expected. I hate my teachers and school so now here I am caring about something that is worth my time. Some of the things in the chapter like the gadgets and stuff you'll have to imagine because I couldn't find pics for them🥲😭. N e wayz hope you enjoy😁💕!!


Your eyes are blown wide. 'Is this really where I'm about to die?' You think to yourself. "I love you Rinnie.." you say to yourself as you tightly close your eyes brace yourself for impact on the gritty road. "I LOVE YOU TOO LITTLE ONE!!" a familiar voice yells. Your eyes snap open. As you open your eyes, you find on another truck, surrounded by your friends. You look out the window to see 2 other people on motorcycles chasing after Cassie and Jayden along with who you assume to be Oikawa. "Oh god that was close.." Kageyama sighs. "Yeah you got that right!" Your best friend exasperated.

You shift your body to face your friends. "WAS THAT RIN?! AND GUYS?!" You exclaim. "Your HERE?!" You continue. "Heyaaa~" Noya says in a sing song voice. You stare at them in utter confusion. "H-how did y-you..?" you ask, flabbergasted. "I guess we owe you an explanation huh.." Terushima says sheepishly and he scratches the back of his head. "TERU?! YOU'RE HERE TOO?!" You exclaim, bewildered. "Well..yeah.. let's get you untied and we'll start explaining." He says as he starts to untie you.

*| 10 minute time skip brought to you by Suna ready to whoop as- |*⇠♡

"..So wait let me get this straight. You're telling me that all of you are in a joined mafia and you guys spent the entire night trying to find me..?" you ask in shock. "W-well yeah.. kinda." Hinata stutters as he answers. "And.. Yachi made the jacket that Rin gave me..?" You questioned. "Y-yeah I did.." Yachi answers. "B-but how did you guys even catch me when she pushed me off? I was so far away.." you continued to question. "We used a device that Kita and the girls designed. It's like a capture tool. It grabbed you just before you made impact with the road. To be honest, if we were just a second later you probably wouldn't have made have made it out unscaved." Kuroo explains. "O-oh.. wow.." you say. "How long have you guys.. been in the mafia..?" You ask. "We started just a little after all of us graduated." Yaku answers. You look down in silence.

The truck goes silent as you sit there and take in all the information that was told to you. "L-look, we get that you may be mad but-" Suga starts but gets cut off. "I'm not mad.. I'm just hurt you guys didn't tell me sooner." You say dramatically as you pout. "Wait- so your ok with this?!" Yaku pipes up. "Yeah I mean you guys did go through all of this to save me and you would've needed all this stuff to help me, like that gadget you used to grab me, or that jacket Yachi made. Without those I would've been a goner." You giggle and say. They look at you in disbelief and then sigh in relief. "Ugh I got so scared for a sec there.. but then again this is Y/N we're talking about. She is as chill and wild as they get..." Kenma sighs.

"WAIT RINNIE?! WHERE IS HE?! WAS HE ON THAT MOTORCYCLE?!" You exclaim. "Yeah. Him, Oikawa and Iwaizumi were the ones you saw speeding past us when we grabbed you. Their planning to go after your kidnappers. We need to continue following them too. Why?" Tanaka answers. "I remember them calling for backup and they said the police were coming too. WHAT IF THEY GET CAUGHT OR THEY CAN'T TAKE ALL THE PEOPLE ON BY THEMSELVES?!" You say worriedly. "CRAP! SAEKO LET'S GO! WE NEED TO HURRY BEFORE-" Daichi starts but gets cut off by the sound of sirens.

"KENMA!" Kuroo exclaims. "ON IT!!" Kenma answers back as he pushes a button on the dashboard of the truck. Suddenly all the windows of the truck change color. "Uh.. what just happened..?" You ask in confusion. "We put the truck in camouflage mode so the police won't see us." Kiyoko says. "Oh" you answer. "But yeah we need to go and fast. The guys might run into some trouble." Daichi says. "Saeko. You know what to do!" Kuroo says while smirking. "OHH CAN I BE COPILOT PLEASE?! Rinnie helped save me so it's my turn to do the same!" You pleaded. "This is not going to end well.." Suga sweatdropped. "Ok sis you can help drive." Terushima says while patting your head. Your eyes light up and you turn to Saeko. She looks at you and smirks. "Let's do this!!" She says as she pulls of with you right beside her. "See you soon Rinnie." You smirk and say.


A/n: YALL ALIVE SEE I AINT KILL YALL.. OK GOOD..whewwwww n.e.wayz... HOPE YOU ENJOYED🤪. I love you guys and thanks for all the support💓💞!!

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