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A/n: BACK and I managed to get everything done.. THANK GOD! I've been too tired to comprehend anything but here's the newest chapter. Hope you enjoy🤍!


You look back to see your friends have already dealt with the backup Cassie sent for. 'Great! Everything's good for this plan.. now it's getting Rinnie to agree..' you think to yourself. You slow down and allow Cassie to drive past you. She looks back at you and furrows her eyebrows. "Aww you're finally scared of me huh.. well you wouldn't be the first and I'm sure you won't be the last." She says to you and she tries to shoot at you. 'WHAT WENT WRONG WITH THIS CHICK?!' You thought.

The reason you slowed down was because  you wanted to explain the plan to Rin and your friends without Cassie and her squad hearing you. You click the communication button on your helmet. "GUYS?! Can you hear me?" You say, testing it out. "Yeah Y/N! What's up is something going on out there that we can't see?" Akaashi asks. "Yeah I found out one of the reasons we're out here.. The girl, who I found out is named Cassie, kidnapped me because she's Rin's stalker. Says that she wanted me out of the picture and that she's a better fit for him." You say and snarl at the thought.

"THE FUCK?! Hell no. If she aint my baby then I don't want her!! And stalker? Just how long baby? Do you know?" You hear Suna say. "She didn't say. But she did say that if it's about Rinnie then she knows. And apparently there's been more than one instances this has happened and SHIT!-" you swerve harshly out of the way as Cassie is still shooting at you. "BABE?! Are you ok?!" Suna asks worriedly. "Yeah for now. Look she's shooting at me right now so I have to be quick. I have a plan to expose Cassie and her little team to the police and you guys won't get arrested. But I need EVERYONE to agree!" You say quickly. You hear a collection of "Yes ma'am's" and "You got it's" except from one person. "Rinnie what do you say? I'll be safe I promise!" You say. Suna stays silent. He then sighs. "What's the plan princess?" He says back.

"WHAT?! BABE ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Suna exclaims. "Yes it's the only thing I could think of to get all of us out of here." You say back. "It's a long shot and it really depends on Cassie and her crew, but if they play into it.. it could work.." Suga says. "There is no absolute way in hell I'm letting you go back with them!" Suna grunts. "I know Rinnie but please I don't want you guys getting arrested and these people may be crazy but their also complete idiots so they'll play right into it." You say back. Suna grumbles, hating the entire situation along with your plan. "In all honesty princess, I'd rather get arrested." He sighs back. "I'm not letting that happen Rin." You tell him seriously. "Just trust me ok?" You continue. He sighs. "Ok little one. But I have a plan of my own when yours ends." He says darkly. You shiver at his tone. 'I wonder what he means by that..' you think to yourself. "Thank you baby." You giggle back. "OK enough with the flirting! We're still here ya know!" You hear Tsukki say. "Okok geez salty! Ain't nothing to get worked up about." You laugh and say. "Let's get this plan started!" You continue. "RIGHT!!" Everyone else exclaims as you speed up.

Here was the plan. Oikawa, Iwaizumi and Suna were to retreat back to the truck, leaving you out on the road alone with Cassie and the rest of her crew. You would also pass all the weapons you had on you to whomever was closest to you. Meaning you gave all your weapons to Suna before he left. He gave you a little kiss on your hand before he drove off and told you to be safe. You nodded as you continued driving behind Cassie. You then make it seem like you're scared of Cassie and allow her to shake you up a bit.

You tilt your head back to see if the guys made it in the truck. Once you realize they have, they gave you the signal to start your part is the plan. The truck then goes into camouflage mode meaning that the cops won't see them. You grin at this then put the little compliment Cassie gave you before to use. You pull over with your hands in the air. "I give I give" you say with a sad expression on your face. Cassie pulls over and  looks at you with a smirk. "What's with the sudden change of heart" she grins. "H-he left.. and he broke up with me.." you sniffle and started to fake crying. She looks up at you ecstatic. "HE DID?!" she gleamed. "Y-yeah.. he said I'm too much work and cause him too much trouble. He doesn't wanna bother with me now.." you looked down sadly.

You hear her ranting about how this is the best outcome ever and she doesn't seem to realize a few things. Number one, the motorcycle you were on is gone. Kenma has a remote for it so he can control it without actually being on it so he drove it back to the truck without the police seeing it. Number two, the sounds of the sirens are getting closer and closer, but she's talking too much to even recognize it. And number three, she and her crew have their weapons on full display and they have no gloves on, unlike you and your friends, who had gloves on the entire time to avoid having fingerprints on the weapons and you also have no weapons on you because you gave all of them to Suna. So when the police come around and see all this, they will for sure get arrested.


A/n: Annnnnddddd that's the chapter. I'm sorry for the slow update but bear with me because I'm writing a lot and then being caught up with school and all. But that's all🥰. Hope you enjoyed❤️!

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