Chapter 20

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Now regarding our initial problem, for two years we face the problem of aura exhaustion, during training. Whenever we train or spar with each other, things always gets bloody. The healing protection takes to much aura and we want to conserve our aura as much as we can or else it could kill us before our enemies could. Besides, if anybody saw how we spar, it was like seeing two sworn enemies fighting to the death.

We spar like we were trying to kill each other. It's not that we hate each other. It is that, by fighting like our life depends on it, it makes is tougher, faster, stronger and more importantly merciless, also it strengthens our bond as brothers.

This world is very cruel. So, you show no mercy to your enemies, for they will show you none. That is why during our sparring session, we give our all, fight with everything we got.

Currently we are at the kitchen, in our pit. The room was a fairly large room, with lots of shelves filled with food. We have a very huge appetite, due to the very high demand of nutrients our body needs to heal our wounds. So food is a must for us.

We were sitting on the floor as it was much more comfortable than sitting on a chair. We were both in deep thoughts, regarding our problems.

" First brother, came up with something yet? Kuromaru asked me

" Nope."

Kuromaru just sighed in defeat, " This is so hard!"

" Well who said it's going to be easy."

"I just wished it was as easy as moulding chakra."

"Yeah, me too. I wish that-" I stopped at what Kuromaru just said.

"What did you just say?"

" Um... that I wished that would be as easy as moulding chakra?

We have been searching for an answer for two fucking years and Kuromaru just found the answer just like that.

"Second brother, you're a genius!!!" I was so happy that I had to hug him. But Kuromaru had no idea what was going on, since I was suffocating him with my hug.

I sat cross-legged on the floor and started to empty my mind. I focused on drawing my aura, but now comes the real problem. Releasing aura and letting it cover my body does not require any effort, but using any of the protections will start to either use our nutrients or our stamina.

My entire body was enveloped in my bloody red aura, then I tried to control it. For the past two years of training with aura, we know that  aura is emitted from our body, it is gaseous by nature and it will dissapear after five seconds. But trying to control it was as difficult as catching the wind.

Sometimes, I questioned many times, that why  my aura is bloody red and Kuromaru's is dark blue. But that question had to wait.

After an hour of tedious effort to control my aura to move to my hands, I already began to have a headache; It was sooo fucking difficult.

All the aura that had covered my entire body, was currently at my right hand. I must say it looked cool, as if my hand was holding onto fire.

Well it's time to test if Kuromaru's theory was right.

I took a kunai and gave a small cut on my right hand. In an instant, it got healed!!!

Well it works and I didn't fell any of my nutrients getting devoured in healing my small cut.


Tonight was an epic night, but I got to go to get some shut eye, because I have an important job tomorrow.

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