Those Eyes

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Yoongi's POV-

"Did you make it?" I ask into the receiver as I pull on my coat, anxious to get to the café.

"Holy shit Yoongs, I forgot how big this place is! And the view is still just as, if not more, gorgeous then I remember. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like to look out at the city at night."

"Are you sure that unit on the other side of the building isn't available? I was looking at the realtors website yesterday and it still shows the listing," I ask, sliding my glasses back into place as I make my way across the yard and onto the sidewalk.

"For the twelfth time, there is an offer pending which means unless the buyer backs out you can forget about it. I'm sorry that you won't be able to wake up to the view of the dark alley and the tinted windows of the building next door every morning like you would in that unit.

"It's a real tragedy that you'll be forced to wake up to see the sun rising over Seoul and glistening off the river every morning."

"Fuck off, Yeol," I say with a heavy eye roll. "Anyway, the movers will be coming this week so I need to confirm with Baek when he'll be there during the day after his classes. I tried to call him earlier but he didn't answer. Is he there now?"

"You know, you really should get an assistant. I don't have time to be doing this. Especially not with school starting this week. I still have a lot of students to call."

"I do not want an assistant. People are dumbasses and I don't have the time nor the energy to teach someone how to manage me and my schedule the way I want it done. It's easier to do it myself."

"But you're not doing it yourself... I am." He retorts back without missing a beat.

I purse my lips, not wanting to debate this any further so instead I repeat my previous question. "When will Baek be there?"

The line goes silent. After a few more silent seconds I'm about repeat my question but am interrupted by a soft "Excuse us" come from behind me.

I turn to see an older couple holding hands while attempting to shuffle around me. Keeping my phone to my ear, I step off to the side letting them by.

I am distracted by the almost sickly sweet site for a moment until I feel my phone vibrate in my hand signaling a notification coming in.

I pull my hand away thinking my call dropped but see the timer still running.

Nope, still connected.

"Hello?" I growl into the phone.

"Yeah... Baek won't be watching your place anymore," he states slowly with caution.

"What the fuck does that mean?!" I basically yell in response.

I hear a gasp and look up to meet eyes with the elderly couple as they shoot me scolding glares. I press my lips into a tight smile and bow shallowly before turning away for a little more privacy.

"Chanyeol, I just spoke with him before I left town and he confirmed he could do it. He said he needed the money." I say through gritted teeth.

"Well it's for a good reason." He says sounding a tad defensive.

"Okay?" I reply totally confused about the sudden change of plans.

I need him to explain to me exactly what has caused this to happen so I can resolve it. I need someone there.

"There was a fire in one of the dorms on Wednesday night. Some idiot left a hot plate on or something. Multiple floors were effected and over two dozen students are being rehoused because their previous dorms have been deemed unlivable due to either flame damage, smoke damage, or both. Baek is one of the them."

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