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Jungkook's POV- 

I feel completely delirious.

That can't have been a dream. There's no way my subconscious could have conjured up those sensations.

What did he just do to me? I can't even keep my eyes open. I'm completely spent.

I have never experienced something as mind blowing as what he just did. The way he brought me to the edge then deprived me... Fuck.

I'm usually the dominate one. The top. But he made me want to submit and obey every word he said. He had me in the palm of his hand, literally and figuratively.


"Kook? Kook... You need to wake up."

As I slowly come out of my deep slumber I can feel my body is aching. I attempt to find a better position to lay in but I don't think it's possible.

This couch is not the most comfortable thing to sleep on, plus I'm wearing my shirt. Realizing that makes me smile a little.

Even drunk me remembers to take my shirt off, so I must have really been out of it.

"Stop moving so much," I hear Yoongi's low chuckle and can feel the vibrations as the words are spoken.

That's when I realize my arms are wrapped around not a pillow but a person.

I lift my head, blinking my eyes to focus them and look around. I'm in the studio, on the couch using Yoongi as my pillow.

He's got his back rested on the arm of the couch, while I had my face snuggled into his hoodie with my arms wrapped around him. He's got his phone in one hand and the other combing through my hair.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"Can you say that again please."

"What is the time?" I repeat.


I lift my head to look at him to see if he has headphones in or something and that's why he can't hear me.

Instead I am met with a raised brow, the corner of his lips pulled up playfully, and his ears completely free of anything noise cancelling.

"You can hear me fine."

"Yes I can hear you. That's why I was asking you to repeat yourself. I like how your voice sounds when you've just woken up."

I flash him a lazy smile before I lay my head back in it's previous position and let out a heavy yawn.

"It's just past four in the morning but we need to go."

"Okay," I say as I start to sit up, rubbing my eyes.


I nod as I stand up and make my way over to my bag to search through it for my hoodie. I take my t-shirt that I have on off before pulling the hoodie on.

I get the shirt put away in my bag before turning back towards the couch where I see Yoongi still seated as he looks up at me.

"You're not going to ask where we're going?"

"As long as I'm going with you that's all I care about," I say matter of factly.

"You are too good for me Kook." He stays seated as he slides his leg off the couch so both of his feet are flat on the ground. "I will tell you the plan anyway." He smiles.

"Yeol and I talked and we think it's fine to go back to the apartment. We are going to go back to mine for now and then next week we are going to start getting the new place furnished and you moved in there.

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