I Prefer Wine

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Jungkook's POV-

It took hours to get Yoongi calmed down. He's so worried about what could happen to me. What this crazy woman will do to get Yoongi back. Or to get back at him.

She is so obsessed with him that even though he knows her secret about her meddling in his life, ruining any possible relationships for him, she still wants him and she seems pretty confident that she'll get her way.

From what Yoongi had shared tonight, I don't think she wants to date him. It is completely about control. About maintaining co-dependency. I am completely out of my depth with this.

It's not like this is a crazy fan you can get a restraining order against and security can keep away from you.

This is a very well known, widely beloved idol with a lot of resources, connections and people willing to do anything for her, whether they are employed to do so or are just devoted fans.

And if that weren't enough, she is also signed to one of the most powerful entertainment companies in the country.

Any sort of legal action can be easily covered up and swept under the rug by either the company's legal team or her own personal team.

They could ruin Yoongi if it got far enough. Take away everything he has worked for.

She's an unassailable opponent.

I don't even know where to begin to help him deal with this. He is so distressed, and rightfully so.

He was visibly shaken when he came in and I showed him the contents of the box as well as the card but then retelling his relationship, talking about the emotional abuse he has had to go through for years is absolutely heartbreaking.

I asked him if all of his friends knew about his relationship and he said for the most part they did.

"This isn't a story I just go around telling though, Kook. I hate that I am so weak. That she can so easily come in and out of my life no matter how many times I have told myself I was better off without her." He said as he held his head in his hands.

"Yooni, it doesn't sound like you are weak. She would create the circumstances that would cause you to be vulnerable and that is when she would reemerge in your life. In those moments you would see her as a blessing, a savior, and she knew that."

I continued to hug him tightly as I spoke gently, "You are not weak."

I asked him if we should have some sort of meeting with all of us and he agreed that would be a good idea. Once he consented to the idea, I got on his phone and sent out a message to have everyone meet tomorrow. Everyone meaning all eight of us.

We were going to come to Yoongi's, but Chanyeol suggested we go to the company instead. It'll be more secure.

So we will meet there tomorrow evening but until then, my only focus is to help Yoongi however I can.

"We should get you in bed. Should we stay here or do you want to go up to your place?"

"I don't want to leave but I think we will probably be better to go to my place."

"You do have more locks on your door." I say in an attempted light tone.

He nods his head in agreement before climbing off of my lap to stand up while I go to my room to quickly change into something more comfortable.

I don't know why, but I had the idea to bring my laptop.

Yoongi has his in his apartment but it is usually hooked up to a bunch of things in his studio and I figured we could watch a movie or something in his bed together. Something to distract him from his anxiousness.

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