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Jungkook's POV-

Once Chanyeol was off the phone the four of us cleared my stuff out of his room and headed back down to the first floor (floor F... I still have to roll my eyes at that.)

Once there we exited to the parking lot, walking towards Tae's car with the plan to get my stuff loaded back in then the three of us would follow behind Chanyeol to wherever I'll be staying.

Just as the trunk was opened and the first bags were set inside Tae's phone started ringing, blaring his obnoxious ringtone of the man yelling "give it to me" over and over.

He only glances at the caller on the screen before looking over to meet Jimin's gaze as he answers the phone.

As the person starts to speak he turns away from us, walking a short distance to continue the call with a little more privacy.

With his back to us we see his head move slightly as he nods, listening closely to the person on the line and offering a few short muffled answers before hanging up.

He turns back to relay the call to Jimin that it was "him" as he referred (I gathered pretty quickly that was Jin) letting Tae know that it was getting late and he needed to head over to the studio to give "his friend" (I'm fairly certain that would be Namjoon) a ride home so if they still wanted his help they'd better hurry.

We unloaded the trunk again, Tae and Jimin helping to walk everything the few rows over to where Chanyeol was parked.

They insisted on staying a bit longer to assist with packing everything into the trunk. They apologized profusely for having to leave as well as for not being be able to help move into the place tonight before finally getting in Tae's car to go meet Jin, I mean "him", leaving me with Chanyeol.

Shortly after pulling out of the parking lot Chanyeol got a call and has been on the line for about fifteen minutes now.

Trying not to eavesdrop on his conversation I attempt to focus on the upbeat song playing over the radio.

After just another minute or two Chanyeol ends his call with a goofy laugh and a "talk to you soon."

Only the radio can be heard after his call ends and I start to get a little anxious.

"Chanyeol-sunbaenim," I begin, trying to end the awkward silence that's started to settle between us. "About how far is this place from campus? I know you said earlier it was close but is it like within walking distance or...?"

Chanyeol chuckles before answering, "I don't know how long it would take walking, but it's only about a twenty-five minute car ride. A little faster if traffic's light."

I nod in response with my lips pursed. Twenty-five minutes. That's not bad.

"Oh!" Chanyeol suddenly exclaims. "I am supposed to give you Yoongi's contact info so you can call him in case you have any questions or need to get ahold of him for something."

"Yoongi? Is he the owner of the place?"

"Yep, exactly." He nods as he slows the car and signals right to turn into a long driveway in front of a gorgeous high-rise apartment building. My jaw instantly drops while my eyes widen at the sight.

"Are you ready for the number?" He asks casually before turning his head to look at me.

Upon seeing my face he begins laughing hysterically, which I do not find amusing in the least. My jaw clamps shut and I scowl at him as I realize what's going on.

"I knew it. This is a joke right? A prank?"

His laughing calms down a little and he shakes his head, "It's not a joke I swear! I was just not expecting that expression. I'm sorry if I offended you." He finishes, still chuckling a little.

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