The thesis film

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(A/N: none of the art shown in this story is mine unless I say it is mine and it has my username on it. If it hasn't got my user on it, it would belong to Zeddyzi or someone else)

Y/N's pov:
"Go fish."  Vinnie says proudly with a smug look on her face.
"Vinnie, we're playing poker." Stone and I said together. I had a glass of alcohol in my hand that I stole for me and stone so we can talk more.
"I know what I'm doing!" Vinnie states while I take a swig of my drink.
"Actually, I think we just won!" Skipp exclaims.
"See!" Vinnie says as she brings the money to her.
"How the hell did I lose to a bunch of street rats?!" A gangster yells out slamming his hands on the table.
"They must be cheatin!" The other one says.
"Cheating? Do we look like cheaters to you?" Vinnie questions.
Stone slammed his head on the table probably because of the alcohol while I just put my arms on the table and put my head on them going to sleep.
While I was asleep, the thud must of caused the cards Vinnie was hiding to fall out of her fluffy coat and Skipp to cough the other card they hid. While Skipp was coughing out his card, the two men we were playing poker with brought out two guns and loaded them.

The sound caused me and Stone to lift our heads up and our eyebrows furrowed. That's when we took of running trying to escape the two guys who are currently trying to shoot us.
The gangsters broke the door open holding their guns.
"Now all we gotta do is get out alive!" Vinnie says while we're running from the bullets as they cut through the air.
Stone glares at Vinnie.
"What?" Vinnie says.
"We're planning the next scheme." Stone and I state.
"Hey, you wanna survive on these streets you gotta be a little chaotic." Vinnie said as she grabs an apple while she misses the fish that was supposed to hit her but hit me and Stone instead.
"Thank you for that fish sir." I said sarcastically glaring at the man.
I had my hands up to my eyes since when he hit me with the fish they began to hurt. I'm just hoping it won't leave a mark.
"Guys! Over there!" Skipp says pointing to a black carriage. (A/N: I think it's a carriage)
"See! Be more like Skipp you two!" Vinnie says while running behind the carriage to just find a wooden cart with wheels instead.
"Aw guys your perfect the way you are!" Skipp says trying to "cheer us up".
"I'm gonna throw up." Stone says.
I just looked at the surroundings trying not to throw up.
The gunshots were still behind us trying to kill us.
"I'm actually surprised that they didn't give up yet."I said having another sip of  alcohol not caring if I throw up anymore.

We rode down the streets where many different types of street kids lived and spent their days. We zoomed past a kid who was warming his hands up but the wind blew out his fire so he would need to make another fire.
"Hey! That's where we live." Vinnie states.
A maid throws out some green water just before it could hit us then I saw a man about to get robbed so while we were driving past him I took the knife from him and flipped him off while we sped away.
"Sure is!" Skipp says agreeing with Vinnie.
We ended up on a washing line while Vinnie was in a short pink dress, Skipp was in an upside down shirt and me and Stone were in maid dresses which made us both blush.
We were then flung up and off the washing line since there was a lot of weight on it. We were flying in the air Stone lit up his cigarette and I just had more alcohol.
"Oh my god were like Aladdin." Vinnie says for some reason.
Stone just sighed while I giggled. We were all landing back down into the cart but me and Skipp had to grab Stone or he could of been seriously injured.
Taking care of a drunk Stone is already a handful.
Then we zoomed away.

"This is why I drink." Stone says in a bored tone.
"Where did those guys go anyway? It's been a while since I've seen them." I asked.
Bullets from behind us answered our question while the cart tipped on its side dogging the bullets.
We all turned around with an annoyed expression while Vinnie says "oh come on!"
"We're gonna get you punks!" A gangsta says. His head pointing out of the window of the carriage we should of taken.
"Okay new plan, I'm just gonna punch the bullets" Vinnie says rolling her sleeves up.
I just decided to light up my drink since it was flammable and I also saw that stone was doing it as well.
"All I have is this gun." Skipp says I wasn't really that interested since I already had many guns already. Knowing Skipp, he would just throw it away because he normally hates things that cause harm.
"Hey." Me and Stone say at the same time.
"This is why we drink."
"Huh. Not bad" Vinnie says.
Stone and I both throw the bottles.
The two gangsters get scared and hold onto each other hoping that the bottles would miss them so they won't die.
But, the bottles did miss them and went behind them instead.
"Ha! Idiots!" The gangster says while the other one laughs while letting go off each other. Then they car explodes for no reason. Literally.

"Ha! Idiots!" Vinnie says with a smug look.
"You did it guys!
"No get off!"
"Great job best friends!"
The struggle of us trying to escape skipps hugs was actually really hard. He may seem small and tiny but he has bone crushing hugs.
"Another day another dollar, am I right guys?" Vinnie says.
While me and Stone tried to escape skipps wrath, we noticed how we drove off a cliff since we were all distracted by something.
A/N: wow that took a while and my arms hurt after writing. I know that there isn't much romantic stuff going on between Y/N and Stone yet but there will be soon.

Word count: 1081 words

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