Webtoons part two

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"You're going to have to report it either way." The woman in the blue dress says crossing her arms.
"What'll the police care? It's just another street kid" he says glaring at the floor.

"Street kids are people too!"
"Just because they're poor and smelly doesn't mean they don't deserve justice!! You child murderer!
"Yeah! You're bad!"
Many shouts filled the mans ears, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Quiet!" He yells out to the towns people who were yelling at him before.
"You know what?" He says turning back around.
" He's fine.He's probably fine." The same man says reaching to grab the frail and unconscious boy.

He tugs the boy up.
"YOURE OKAY RIGHT?!" He yells into the boys face expecting him to reply.


"He says he's great!" The man says with a fake smile letting the boy go.

The young boy then fell into the puddle face first.

Words: 153

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