Webtoons part one

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No ones pov:
There Stone was. Lying on the floor. The back of his head and one of his arms in a large puddle. Unconscious.

3 people looked over him. A woman and two men. A man with a blonde moustache, blonde hair and wearing a white suit with a yellow neck tie around his neck. A frail woman with black hair tied up into a ponytail, a blue dress with a little hat to go with it. Finally, a plump man wearing a black jacket around his neck, a blue buttoned up shirt and a top hat.

The man and the woman glares at the plump man.
"I'm telling you..." he starts.
"He ran into my carriage!" He finished of yelling.
Words: 163

A/N: I know that this chapter is short but if you read the first chapter of Ramshackle you would see that the first chapter that was posted is short. But I am going post the other parts soon.

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