Webtoons part 3

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The man looks down at the boy who just fell into the puddle not knowing what to do.

"HEY!" A voice knocked him out of his trance.


But the police were just walking by. They were probably on brake. Or they just didn't want to deal with anything else today.

"What's going on???" A girl yells out.
"Oh no! Stone!" A males voice calls out
"What about Stone?" Your voice calls out. You couldn't see much since you were at the back with another glass of alcohol.

"What did you do to him?!" Vinnie yells to the man while he's scared by the yelling coming from the young girl.
"He's hurt!" Skipp yells out.
"Right move out of my way." You say pushing aside Skipp and Vinnie slightly. Since everyone was looking at the floor you decided to glance down as well.

"Stone... STONE!" You yelled out running to him Skipp following behind. You crouched down not caring if you got your clothes dirty and put his head on your lap his face up to the sky.

"I just... I mean... He jumped in front of me and-" the man tries to explain before getting cut of by Vinnie.
"SHOOT DUDE! Ya ran him over didn't you?" Vinnie exclaims looking at the horse.
"And then you were trying to drown him! She yells out turning to you and Skipp with the unconscious boy in your lap.

*cough*  Stone coughed before going silent again. At this point you were crying tears falling down your face. The crowd noticed this and started to gasp silently then glaring at the man.
"We need a doctor!" Skipp yells out for you.
"We can't afford a doctor, Skipp." Vinnie says.
"But we don't won't Stone to die!" Skipp says meaning you as well.

Vinnie turns to the plump man angrily before saying:
"How are you gonna fix this?"
"Huh?" The man says confused.

Words: 337

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