Webtoon five

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A/n: I'm happy that I'm gonna do more of the webtoon series since I've seen it's really popular and a lot of people seem to like it! :)

"... and two to keep quiet." The man in the top hat said looking at Vinnie seriously.
Vinnie stared wide eyed at the man shocked that he even wanted to help Stone. Then Vinnie spat on her hand waiting for a handshake. The man shook her hand cringing at the fact her saliva is now on his hand.

"My lips are sealed." Vinnie said as the man wiped his hand with a handkerchief.
"Get is a doctor guys! Stones gonna live!" Vinnie said turning to Skipp and Y/N holding stones hand.
"Oh!!" Skipp said as y/n looked up at Vinnie.
"You're gonna be A-okay pal!" Skipp says as y/n drops stones hand and walks to Vinnie and hugs her in appreciation.
"That should cover it." The man says handing Vinnie the rest of the money while y/n tries not to take it by distracting herself by watching Skipp run around saying: "yippee!"

"Ey, wuzzat?" Vinnie says as a blinding light comes into view. Y/n turns around to see what Vinnie's talking about to also be met by the light as well covering her eyes quickly.


A man on a carriage shadow was seen and y/n looked again to also see the man. He looked old with a bushy moustache, bushy eyebrows. White hair with one curl (a/n:like superman) a white suit and an orange necktie.
"Oh..." Vinnie says cringing probably at the fact she just sent Skipp to find them a doctor. Y/n raises an eyebrow not believing he's a doctor.
The man walks towards Stone unconscious body everyone curious at what he's going to do.

The man stomped on Stones body causing him to gain consciousness and yell out in pain. Everyone in the crowd cringed at his pain. While y/n tries not to laugh

1) because it wasn't a funny moment to others. And:

2) because she doesn't want to tell vinnie she's drunk.

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