Missys Dream pt1

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Hey guys!!! Today's chapter is actually a flashback/dream. Basically I said I was speeding things up so this chapter, is once missy feel asleep she dreams about how she started becoming closer with wild card and stuff, you'll see!
Missy POV: (obviously it's her dream lmaooo)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turn it off and walk over to my closet. I end up picking a mustard colored oversized sweater and some high waisted jeans. "Missy breakfast is ready" my father calls from my bracelet. "Almost done dad" I put on a little bit of blush and run out to the dining room were waffles and syrup are waiting for me. "Excited for school?" My Father ask "yep! Can't wait to see the team again"

I grab my bike and ride to heroics headquarters, I meet up with fast foward, acappella and Guppy and together we walk into our classroom, all the boys are already there. I sit next to guppy and we start out leadership program, since guppy is only 5 now she doesn't have to do it, so instead she watches a tv show called "bubble guppy's" all of the sudeen she looks at me and asks "do you and Wild like each other?" I'm taken aback with the question "No guppy why do you say that?" I say solemnly
"The way he looks at you, i don't know? never mind" she shrugs
Acapella looks at me as if she overheard and says "looks like missy finally realized who the class ship is" ME AND WILD CARD ARE THE CLASS SHIP?! There's no way he can like me,he can't  (while the author cringes) so as a I come back to acappella I say loudly so everyone can hear "But what about you and wheels don't you like him?!" Acapella goes scarlet and looks for something In her backpack in vain, while wheels blushes and looks around and then back at his assignment
I look up at wildcards seat and he was staring at ME, STARING, AT ME. We lock eyes and then look away, we both blush and I finish my assignment
We make our way towards the cafeteria like always and I sit in my usual spot in between Wild and Fast foward. I start talking to fast foward, and eventually get up to throw away my cookie wrapper, but I trip on the bench and right when I'm about to hit the concrete floor, Wild grabs me by the waist and catches me.
"You ok?" He asks
"Yep thanks for that" I say walking to throw the wrapper away
I come back and we all end up talking
We then have free period and we are talking on the couch and eventually I fall asleep in his arms
I didn't know that till I was awoken by Acapella singing a love song, when I wake up I feel wilds arms around me and I slowly look up at him so the other kids don't notice I'm awake and I notice he's sleeping too. I fall asleep again and I'm I wake up a second time when guppy screams "MISSY YOU LIED TO ME YOU SAID THAT YOU GUYS DONT LIKE EACHOTHER BUT LOOK!!" We both jump away when we wake up and Guppy's looking at me like she's ready to go on a shark frenzy because I lied to her (which I didn't) me and Wild are blushing ferociously but continue the school day
It's the end up the day and we see Guppy off as her mom (Lava girl) picks her up since guppy doesn't like riding bikes and then the rest of the class walks to the bike rack  and we start the usual rounds, fast foward and rewinds houses are closest so they are the first to get dropped off then is slo-mo then face maker, then noodles, then Acapella  and wheels (since they r having a study session together) and then it's wild, on our way to his house we start talking "Sorry for not realizing you were asleep" I blush "it's fine honestly you were quite cuddly" he smiles and blushes "ok I'll come get you at 8:25 tommorow so we have 15 minutes to pick everyone up and get to class" he says shyly "ok see you tommorow giving him a quick hug and walking to the front door
Next is wilds dream
Thanks for reading
Love you lovelies 💖

Missy Moreno + Wild  Card (Mild Card)Where stories live. Discover now