"What now?"

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"How do we manage with twins with powers that are only a month old?" I asked
"Well, first,  heroics headquarters has a whole supply room for children toddlers and newborns with powers so you should find anything and everything you need to keep the twins safe comfortable and healthy" Tech-No answers
"Thank you guys so much!" Wild says handing them their breakfast
They stay for a little longer and then have to go home
Right before walking out my father gives Wild the death stare and the second the door closes Wild almost screams (lmfaooo cue the wheeze)
I go upstairs and take a shower and put on a oversized hoodie and some high waisted jeans.
I bathe the twins and put them into the cutest outfits ever. Like no joke. I end up texting Acapella
Hey Bub how r u?
                                              Good lol hbu
Great! U and wheels free today?
                                                    Ya pretty sure why?
We r gonna go gets some stuff by headquarters for the twins so maybe you can get something for the little beb
                                                         Kkkk we'll meet you!
Kk bai
                                                       Bai 😝🥰

"KAY!" He screams back to me
We load the twins into the car and make sure to make space in the trunk for anything we bring home
Traffic. Is. Severe.
We end up arriving by a miracle right when Acapella and Wheels arrived as well.
"Heyyy" I say putting the twins into their double stroller, "how are you?" She smile softly "pretty good, getting better" finally "That's Great!" I tell her
We walk into and find the room filled with stuff for kids toddlers and babies with powers.
"Woah" we all say in unison
Me and Acapella find some power proof cribs so Wild teleports them home, we find some cute toys
A sussy (pacifier) that calms the kids down and some play mats.
We teleport to the apartment Acapella and Wheels just bought and help them set up the nursery and the living but the twins started to fuss so we had to go home
"Bye guys! Thanks for having us!!"
"Thank you for helping" Acapella screams from the kitchen
Ok here me out... how about two chapters from now i fast forward to the birth of acapellas child and the twins will be 1 year and 1 month
Wild Card POV
When we got home me missy and the twins got into the bath and relaxed
Then I added the new power proof things to the nursery and around the house and helped Missy put the twins into their pjs
They were already getting so big
Missy fed them and then they played with their new toys
I sang them a lullaby
Go to sleep
Go to sleep
Go to sleep my little baby
Goo to sleep go to sleep
Go to sleep
My little
And they quickly fell asleep

 how about two chapters from now i fast forward to the birth of acapellas child and the twins will be 1 year and 1 month ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wild Card POVWhen we got home me missy and the twins got into the bath and relaxed Then I...

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Aria and Williams outfit
Love you guys
Fave reveal soon

Missy Moreno + Wild  Card (Mild Card)Where stories live. Discover now