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Imagine the shock when someone rang wilds phone at 2 in the morning when we were in the middle of something 😳
"Hello?" He answered
"What do you mean?" He called into the phone
"Is she alright?" No one answered and instead whoever called him hung up
Wild Card sat up in bed and looked me in the face "we gotta go"
"What's going on.." I asked getting nervous but getting up
"It's guppy, she's in the hospital..."

When we tell you we drove fast, we drove like blinding flash we were at the hospital in 5 minutes.
"WHAT HAPPENED" I screamed as we ran into the waiting room
"The girl that was jealous of the boy who liked her and she liked..." Acapella said cradling Heather in her arms while sitting on wheels.
I broke into sobs and cuddled with Wild and the twins as we waited for news on Guppy.

"Heroics?" A nurse asked us
We all nodded
" Shark Boy and Lava Girl say you guys can come in now.."
We ran into the room and Guppy stared on Into the horizon
"We are so glad you came" Lava girl said softly holding Guppy's little sister Bubble
Guppy was fast asleep
"Are you guys pressing charges?" Rewind asked
"The girl is in jail right now, but we plan to take her to court so she can go to prison, I mean she stabbed her.." Shark boy responded
Everyone was heartbroken everyone knew she'd have to make a recovery and we were worried for her mental health
Hi guys!! I hope you guys r good!
No post Tomorrow tho I saved a draft for Tommorow night.
I made a new story (it's a jily one tho)
Hope you guys read it and enjoy!!
PLEASE send ideas for this story I'm going through writers block.
Love you guys

Missy Moreno + Wild  Card (Mild Card)Where stories live. Discover now