Missys Dream Pt 2

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Hi guys!! How are you! Can you believe it's already the 5th??!! Hopefully this year goes better than last!! Did you hear about the COVID 20 discovery 🥲 Let's hope it's solved quickly!
Anyways let's get to know each other:
Fav Color? Mine is yellow
Anyone else going through mood swings I swear 😭
Anyways, Enjoy! Missys POV obvi

Me and Wild have become closer over the weeks, we trust each other more , though we are still very awkward at times.
I wake up for school and put on a super cute outfit (picture below) since it's fall and I LOVE the fall vibe, and cause I'm also  hanging out with Wild after school, I hear wilds usual knock signaling let's go, "bye dad" I call grabbing a mini box of cereal to eat on the way to school. "Good Morning M'lady" Wild says in a funny tone "Good Morning kind sir" I say giggling as we jump on our bikes, "Soooooo... Where are we going after school today?" I ask intrigued "WELLLL most of it is a surprise but we are going into town, and to the candy store... THATS ALL you can know!"  He says emphasis on "that's all" "ughhh" I moan

At lunch I find myself staring at at wild cards features I had apparently never noticed before, his perfect jaw, the cutest eyes, nicely combed hair UGHH WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO CUTEEE
"Missy!! Get out of Wild Card Land right now and listen to Acapella she has news for us" fast forward says scaring the sh— out of me
"Ok, well... me and wheels started dating yesterday!" Acapella says busting with joy
"That's amazing" I tell her
"We totallyyyy ship" says guppy remembering the "vocabulary" we taught her
She walks over to wheels booming with confidence and gives him a kiss on the check, she quickly runs back blushing super hard
Wheels is just, just awed honestly

Sadly eventually school ends (school may be FRIKIN fun for you child but I have no friends Soo wdym sadly girl I don't like school, I hate middle FRIKIN school, anyways)
And me and Wild finish the rounds and bike to town, he takes me to the candy store where I pick out m&m's and sour sticks, and we both get a Frappuccino at Starbucks.
He takes me to the movies and we watch Spider Man 3  (I just found out that it's coming out!!)
And then he blindfolds me "Wildddd I CANT SEEE" Suddenly he unblinds me and we are in the middle of a park, surrounded by yellow orange and red trees. I CANT  take it anymore, I lunge myself at him and kiss him
He doesn't really realize what's happening until he does and responds, The kiss is slow but passionate, WHY DOES HE MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IM THE ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD? WILD IS JUST AMAZING!!

When we pull apart, He whispers In my ear "I love you" I kiss him quickly again and say "love you too" we stare off towards the lake and he asks "where does this put us?"  I giggle "you never asked the right question" I answer sarcastically
"Oh erm, Will you be my girlfriend Missy?" He asks shyly
Ughhhhhhhh how can I say no to that face
"Obviously! I half scream
I hug him Soo hard we fall to the ground, we talk some more star gaze and end up biking home at around 1 Am. When we get to my house I give him a peck on the cheek and walk up to my porch as he walks away

I walk inside and low and behold my dad waiting for me right at the door
"And you said you'd be out till 4 correct?" Is the first question he asks
"Yea, sorry?"
"Why were you out so late" second question he asks
"Me and Wild, accidentally stayed out stargazing to long" I answer nervously
"Do you like wild?" Third question he asks (r u FRIKIN serious what don't u get!! 🙄)
"Yep!" I answer my confidence rising, remembering my new status with Wild
"Does he know?" My father asks eyeing me
"Are you dating?"
"Have you kissed?"
"Good Night dad!" I say walking off to my bedroom holding back unbearable laughter
Hi Guys!!! How'd you like this chapter? Any recommendations or request? Anyone want a shoutout
Thanks for reading!!
Here's Missys outfit!

I walk inside and low and behold my dad waiting for me right at the door"And you said you'd be out till 4 correct?" Is the first question he asks"Yea, sorry?""Why were you out so late" second question he asks"Me and Wild, accidentally stayed out s...

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Missy Moreno + Wild  Card (Mild Card)Where stories live. Discover now