chapter 4 - night 2

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(A/N: edited chapter name)

edited 04/09/2021

"Holy shit, no they weren't. The camera shows them from the right." Fundy stood and took control of Y/N's computer, clicking to Pirate Cove. Star-covered curtains hid Bad from the cameras. Y/N's eyes widened.

"Eret didn't draw those curtains."

Fundy turned, seeming primed to slam the door button.

"It's not a bear we need to be afraid of."


Y/N and Fundy simultaneously hit the door buttons, frightened by the yellow and black doors that slammed to the ground.

"Holy shit, what kind of apocalypse is this place preparing for?" Y/N shouted, adrenaline laced with fear coursing through their veins.

"I've got no fucking clue but I wish they could be a little more subtle!" Fundy's pitch raised with his volume and his fear. In a split second, he grabbed onto Y/N's hand protectively and opened the cameras, rapidly clicking between them to find the person who he assumed had broken into the restaurant. He had done it mindlessly but he felt his palms tingle once he realized what he'd done. He didn't have time to be crushing on his partner right now, their lives were in danger.

Clicking onto Camera 6, Fundy noticed it was broken once again.

"Goddamn cheap shit. Can we please buy cameras that last more than a fucking week?"

"Fundy, wait, listen. The audio is still coming through." Fundy and Y/N leaned closer to the speakers fearfully, afraid of what they might hear. Pots and pans clanged together as if someone was purposefully clashing them, getting some sort of sadistic pleasure out of their fear and confusion.

Y/N stared at the black screen for what felt like years before they came to a realization. They would have to confront whoever was in the kitchen. The doors had only been closed for mere minutes and their power had already depleted substantially. They couldn't be closed all night, and Y/N had no idea what would happen when the power ran out. Would the doors retreat, leaving them open to whatever the person in the kitchen had in store for them? Were they a burglar, hoping to get an easy buck from a successful restaurant, or were they something worse, something more... sinister? Y/N wasn't sure they wanted to know. Y/N wasn't sure they had a choice.

"We have to go out there."

It must've been a few seconds that felt like hours ticking by in that cramped security room before Fundy finally blinked and nodded. Usually, his job was the opposite of exciting. The most eventful thing that happened to him was the teenagers trying to break in in the middle of the night. (Fundy wasn't sure if they were looking for a place to fuck or just an adrenaline rush, but they were always scared off quickly by his flashlight shining through the glass doors, if not his voice telling them to fuck off). This intruder felt different. A chill went up Fundy's spine and seemed to run through every strand of his hair as it stood up at the thought of who they could be. Was he being paranoid, or was something about to go very, very wrong? A quick glance back to Y/N showed him they were feeling the same thing.

Fundy grabbed his flashlight and his company-issued taser and primed himself to open his door. Y/N did the same. In-sync, they slammed their fists on the buttons and the doors retracted. Fundy shined his light down the hallway as he slowly exited the security office. He hadn't let go of Y/N's hand, and if Y/N noticed, they didn't show it.

As the duo crept heel-to-toe down the tiled hallway, every step feeling like a mile's worth, the feeling of dread began to swallow them whole. Finally, they had reached the kitchen door. Y/N held their hand on their taser as Fundy prepared to open the door. With a concerned glance to Y/N, he did.

night 7 (fundy x reader) [FNAF AU]Where stories live. Discover now