chapter 5 - staying the day

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(A/N: Kinda filler today, sorry about that! Hope you enjoy some more Fundy-Y/N interaction and some light fluff! Back with night 2 next chapter :P)

edited 04/09/2021

Fundy hadn't even realized that George had left their door until then. He clicked on Camera 1A, seeing George standing next to Sapnap and Dream, just as he should be. Camera 1C showed Bad's curtains open and the pirate animatronic standing like he always was. Everything was right again. The door chimed as Niki entered for the morning shift.

Y/N looked over to Fundy, seeing waves of emotion swirling and crashing in his eyes as if he was on a ship in the middle of a thunderstorm. Y/N was sure their expression mirrored his. Y/N's voice shook.

"What the fuck is going on?"


Y/N grasped their bedsheets in between their fingers for what seemed like the hundredth time that morning. Sweat dripped down their forehead and they wiped it away before it reached their eyes. How is it simultaneously boiling and freezing right now? They checked the alarm clock on their nightstand. 

5:28 a.m.

Had they only spent thirty minutes tossing and turning like this? It felt like an eternity since they'd plugged in their phone and tucked themself into their now oppressing bedsheets. 

They returned home from their shift in a dreamlike state, barely even uttering a goodbye to Fundy. It seemed like neither of them had time to process what had happened in their shift before the morning shift began to bustle around the restaurant and they were forced to leave. But now, it seemed Y/N's subconscious had just enough time to burn George's red eyes into their brain. They saw his animatronic face in the darkness of their room, heard his pounding footsteps in the sound of cars driving by their apartment. They weren't even safe with their eyes closed; his face seemed to be burned into their eyelids.

There was no way they could sleep today. They needed to talk to someone about what happened; to make a plan. And there was only one person who understood what happened in that pizzeria last night. 

It took Y/N ten minutes to build up the courage to move from the safety of their sweat-soaked bedsheets, and then twenty more minutes to build up the courage to text their coworker. They weren't sure if it was because of the anxiety they had built up throughout the morning or because of the teeny tiny crush they had developed. Maybe a combination of both. Y/N would never admit to the latter, anyway.


partner in not crime: hey fundy

partner in not crime: sorry to text so early

fox man: cant sleep either?

partner in not crime: yeah

partner in not crime: we should talk about what happened 

partner in not crime: maybe make a plan?

fox man: agreed

fox man: meet at my apartment?

fox man sent a location

partner in not crime: ill be there in 15

fox man: see you then

                    read 6:07 a.m.


Y/N was beyond relieved to see Fundy waiting in front of his apartment complex for them when they pulled up in their car. They weren't sure if he knew how afraid they were or if he was just trying to be polite, but they were thankful nonetheless. 

night 7 (fundy x reader) [FNAF AU]Where stories live. Discover now