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- chapter 5

Here's what you missed on Run Away, Kurt accidentally wears Blaine's hoodie to school. They decide to go with the song drunk Kurt showed to Blaine for their duet's. Blaine asks Kurt for the story behind it but Kurt tells him it is a story for another time. They planned on getting coffee after school so Kurt could tell Blaine but Kurt changes the plans and they end up at a place only they know about in Central Park, that's what you missed on Run Away.

'Maybe we should go, get something to eat?' Kurt and Blaine have spent the past hours talking. Kurt nods and gets up. 'Where do you want to eat, not too expensive please,' Kurt pulls Blaine up. 'I know a place, and I'll pay,' Blaine takes Kurt's hand. 'It feels relieving, telling you about Karofsky. Finn, Rachel and Juniper were one of the only people who knew,.' the younger's words really touch Blaine. 'Why is it you trust me with this?' Blaine blurs out. Kurt doesn't know why. It is like some part of him that he didn't know he had got unlocked. 'To be honest Blaine Anderson, I don't know why. And will you please tell me where we are going and why we are going there by train. You said you never go by train,' Kurt and Blaine walk onto the train station. 'First off all, I have to go by train now because I came here by train. And second of all, I won't tell you where we are going just yet,' Kurt sees the stops go by, they're heading to Little Italy. 'I had to secretly order like two hours ago because this place is really popular under tourists,' Blaine says. 'This is our stop,'

'I always wanted to come here some time,' the two boys are sitting at a table besides the big window. They are at a little pizzeria in the middle of Little Italy. 'I didn't know what kind of pizza you would like so I ordered us a margarita, since it is the most basic pizza anyone could get,' Kurt gets a piece of the pizza and takes a bite. 'Oh this is really good,' Blaine laughs at the younger. 'Kurt, there is cheese on your hoodie,' Kurt takes a napkin and wipes it off. 'Your hoodie, Blaine Anderson.' 'You can keep it, like I said it looks better on you anyways,' As the sun starts setting, the boys finish their pizza. 'Do you want to go home or do you want to hang out some more?' Kurt asks. 'I would love to hang out with you some more, if you want too of course,' Blaine awkwardly laughs. 'I would be honored to spend more time with the Blaine Anderson,'

'When did you realise it? That you were gay?' Blaine asks, 'Because for me it was being kissed by a girl and absolutely feeling nothing.' Kurt has to think about that question. When did he realise it, when he got his first pair of heels at age of eight? Or when he started developing the thing his old school bullies would call "gay sense of style" in freshman year? 'To be honest, there are a lot of moments i shouldve realised when I didn't, but I officially came out in Sophomore year. The year I finally started feeling like people cared about me, in the glee club,' Kurt smiles when thinking back of all the things his friends in Glee club made better. 'I used to be an only child you know, at first it was me and my mom against the world, my dad was never good with handeling my feelings and all. But she passed away when i was eight. Since then it had been just me and my dad for years. He fell in love again, with my best friend's mother. So now he is my brother, he helped me through most of my coming out problems,' Blaine takes Kurt's hand. 'Your hand is cold, let me warm it. I always was the only gay guy in the Warblers. That was until my first boyfriend ever joined but we didn't date long so I stayed single for a while again. Until some new guy joined, we dated for a little while. Then he became weird and obsessive. Did some really weird things, stalked my best friend, tried hurting her because she was too close to me according to him. So we broke up. But i did love him at the time. I guess crazy experiences change your way of seeing love,' for a while the two just walked together in silence. 'Love will come to you in the least expected ways you know. Don't look for it, it will find you,' Kurt says, sadness in his voice.

'You guys don't know his name yet but give it up for who will be one of Broadway's most famous actors, Blaine Anderson! Thanks Santanna for the microphone,' Santanna gives Kurt a thumbs up and Blaine sits down behind the piano. 'Hey everyone! I guess I'll sing you guys something. Any requests?' Blaine looks around the diner. There are not many people in the room, but it is cozy. 'Yo gelhead! Sing Piano Man, i like that one,' Santanna says. Blaine starts the song. Kurt realises this will be the first time he'll hear Blaine actually sing. He has no idea how his voice will sound. 'It's nine o'clock on a saturday,' Blaine's voice echoes to the diner. The voice sounds suiting to the boy, Kurt thinks. Not at how people think he is, but his soft side that he had been showing to Kurt the past two days. 'Lady Hummel, you are staring,' Santanna says. 'What?' Santanna laughs, 'boy, you are staring at Blaine, you haven't taken your eyes off of him since he started singing. If I didn't know better I'd say you had some sort of crush on him,' Santanna's face forms a grin. Kurt can feel his face get red. 'No Santana. I do not have a crush on him, I literally broke up with someone less then a week ago,' Kurt tries defending himself. But who is he kidding.

'You need to tell me everything there is to tell. Finn can you get us some popcorn and drinks,' Rachel smiles at the two boys in front of her. 'So, you told him about Karofsky? What else did you do?' Kurt doesn't know where to start. 'We went to that spot I always tell you about, the one in Central Park. We sat there for a while, Blaine and I then went to a little pizzeria, he even paid for me, and just walked around for a bit before going to Broadway Diner. One of his friends works there and he performed. His voice is so angelic,' Rachel stares Kurt deep in the eyes. 'That spot you always tell me about, the one you say you would only take your soulmate to?' she exclaims. 'I like him Rachel. We became friends only a week ago but he makes me feel so safe, so happy. I haven't felt like this in a long time Rach,' Kurt sighs. 'I think, if you really feel that way, who are we to give opinions about it,' Finn says, sitting down next to his brother. 'If you really love this boy, go get him. What are you waiting for,' Kurt turns to Finn. 'I am waiting for a miracle to happen. Because I need a miracle for him to ever like me the way I started liking him now.'

A/N: there's a little Hamilton Easteregg-ish thingy hidden in this chapter :)
Wow a second non planned publish to keep Stef happy

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