Chapter 13

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Vivian's Perspective
"Hey Girly," Gwen greets me as I walk into the kitchen the next morning. I reciprocate her smile, noticing everyone's in the kitchen. The boys are engulfed in helping Blake make breakfast, but Zuma takes the time to wave at me. I wave back, still smiling.

Not really sure what to do next, I stand near the doorway, out of everyone's way and watch them. Blake has the youngest boy, Apollo, fetching utensils that he's able to reach and taking them to the table. Zuma also helps set the table while King helps his father finish cooking what seems to be chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes.

Gwen gets up slowly from the seats at the island and comes over to me.

"How're you feeling today?" She asks me.

"I'm okay. How about you?"

She smiles wide when I ask the question back to her.

"Oh, I'm good. Just a little sore from all that walking yesterday." She says.

I nod, "Me too."

I notice the emotion in her eyes shift for a second. If I'm correct, I think she still feels as though I ran from her because of something she said or did. It wasn't because of that, not directly anyways. I got scared and overwhelmed. In no way would I count it as her fault. I'm just a problem child, I thought she already knew that.

"Are you still up to what we've got planned today?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," I confirm for her.

We all eat breakfast and start to get ready for the day. About an hour has elapsed since and when I'm dressed and ready, I head downstairs. I sit on the couch in the front room, feeling awkward, as if I'm out of place. The couch is so comfy, but I'm afraid to sink down in it. I feel like I have to keep a certain composure with so many people here that I barely know-

Yeah... I only met them two days ago, except for Gwen. I don't like that thought.

Zuma comes over and sits beside me, causing my thoughts to pause for a moment. 

"Hey Vivian," he says with a smile. I smile back a little.


"Do you have any siblings?" He asks out of curiosity. I shake my head.

"I bet that would be lonely." He continues.

"Yeah, it could be, but at least I had a best friend to keep me company."

Sometimes I wish I could go back to the old days, but only for her - my best friend - she was my reason to keep going. Well, she was until she became a reason not to.

"And you had your parents too," he adds on, but before I can even react, Gwen comes up behind us.

"Zuma, Vivian, I was looking for you two." She smiles with a tone of surprise in her voice - as if she really was looking for us. I can tell she wasn't. I'm angled enough on the couch that I could see her approaching, but I'm thankful for her saving me from an awkward response. "Are you two ready to start our day?"

Zuma smiles wide and jumps up from the couch, "I am!"

I can't help but to feel a warm feeling envelope me at his response.

"I'm glad you're here, Gwen. It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time." He states, making his opposite smile wide again.

"I'm glad you're here too, bud!" She embraces him for a hug, "and I hope we can spend more time together in the future. We'll see what we can do."

I sit back and watch them, observing their family dynamics. They aren't the typical family that I'm used to hearing about, but they're more of a family than I've ever been exposed to. I've come to a conclusion that the amount of affection Gwen gives is supposed to be normal. Hugs are a normal thing with family, praise and encouragement are as well. Having a direct conversation more than once a day is a norm in families too. Before now, I never would have believed that.

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