Chapter 19

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Vivian's Perspective

9 Days Later

What I wish I could be doing right now is not what I'm going to be doing. I'm really feeling the effects of my mother's sudden passing even though things were so tense and estranged between us, but Jessica asked me if I wanted to go out around town tonight with her sister and her friends. I agreed because I thought I should get some fresh air and socialization. Gwen agreed that it would be a good thing for me too, but now, I'm really wishing that I could just stay here and watch a movie with her instead.

Jessica's sister is a few years older than us. She's a junior in high school so most of her friends are around that age. I've never met her sister and I don't know what to expect, but nonetheless, I'm glad to be included in something. 

I meet Jessica at the park along with her sister. We quickly get introduced before more of her friends show up and Jess and I are pushed to the back - as was expected. I can't help my gaze from staying on Jackie, taking in every inch of her. Everything is going so fast tonight, but maybe it's because I keep getting lost in a trance.

"Jackie!" One of the older girls calls out to Jess's sister. "Where are we off to?"

I try to listen, curious of the same thing.

"I don't know, didn't really plan anything. Let's just go out on the town and see where we end up," she says, tucking a strand of her jet black hair behind her ear.

I look to Jessica, both of us having remained pretty much silent up to this point. As the group begins to move and we trail behind them, she says something.

"I'm sorry if this is awkward with the juniors. I just wanted a chance to spend some time with you somewhere other than my house."

Her eyes seem worried and I'm surprised that I'm able to pick up on that subtle emotion. I reassure her, "it's okay."

I don't say anymore because I can feel the unspoken words being communicated between us. I understand her situation without her having to explain it in more than a sentence or two. It makes me think that there's a reason as to why things happened when they did these past few weeks. Any slight difference and it's possible that I wouldn't be here with this group of teens and Jess right now.

"Does this happen a lot for you? Like, do you go along with your sister's friends a lot?" I ask as they talk up a storm in front of us about some Jason guy.

She nods and then reveals to me quietly, "yeah, she's the only friend I have to hang out with and that my parents will let me go out with. I don't know why, though, for that last point."

My mother didn't let me do things either, but she wasn't exactly protective.

"Well, if your parents would let you, I could ask Gwen about you coming over to hang out. I think she'd be okay with it."

Jessica smiles. "Thank you. I'll see what they say."

We walk a little further as dusk approaches. I think the only reason Gwen let me go out this late was because of the promise of older kids being with us. Then again, I still don't know what kind of parent she'll be like.

When we stop, Jackie turns around to look at us. She stands at least half a foot taller than both of us with her three year age difference. It intimidates me, but at the same time, I want her to keep staring down at me with such interest on her face.

"You girls good?" She asks. I'm taken aback for a second because I don't expect her to care about how the two thirteen year olds trailing in the back are doing.

I nod while Jess speaks up, "are you guys drinking?"

"Lizzie has a bottle, you want some?" She raises an eyebrow, her eyes focusing mostly on me. It's as if she's challenging me to rebel because she knows my whole life story. She lived it once. 

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