Chapter 15

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Gwen's Perspective (earlier that day)

I miss Blake already. I've missed him since he walked out that door last night. I don't usually feel this awful after he leaves, but I've tried to keep on a brave face for Vivian. I dropped her off at school this morning and then I drove straight to a meeting with management. I know it's going to be about getting another album out there. They don't want people to lose interest in me and for my image to dissipate to the point where they aren't making the money they need anymore. I would release an album soon if circumstances were different, but now I have someone to take care of. I can't be running off to interviews, meetings, parties and appearances and leaving her without me for many hours at a time. I'm trying to be a mother to her right now because that's what she needs.

I check my phone before going into the meeting. I'm kind of hoping for a text from Blake, but there's nothing. He must be busy with his own life back in Oklahoma. I'll text him after this meeting's over.

When we start, they instantly ask me about a new album.

"This is the perfect time to release an album, Gwen. Apparently you have one almost ready?" My manager asks me.

"Yes, there's one in the works, but I would rather not release an album right now." I say, trying to remain professional about this.

The whole table looks at me. Another person chimes in,

"Why not? This could really help your image and keep you relevant in the music industry."

I sigh quietly under my breath, "I have stuff going on in my personal life right now and I don't want to add another stressor on top of everything."

My publicist then looks at me, raising an eyebrow and turning to the screen where a presentation is set up to show me the statistics of releasing a new album now. She switches the slide to a bunch of news articles. That's not the worse thing about them. It's the fact that they're about Vivian which brings my heart to a stop. I just wanted to enjoy a nice weekend with my family and this is what I've done. I didn't want any word of her to get out. This could be bad.

"Is this another one of your little responsibilities? That's the reason you won't release any work, isn't it?" She merely accuses me. I know she doesn't like the fact that I've been so involved with Blake's kids because it's only slowing my career down, but at this point, I don't see how much further I can go with my career. I think I've hit my peak decades ago.

"I'm taking care of her right now." I tell them.

"And how did we not know about this?" My manager asks. I'm in trouble now.

"I wasn't sure how long I was going to take care of her for and I didn't want word to get out." I explain, hoping for this conversation to come to an end quickly. "Look, she needed help and a place to stay and I just couldn't leave her to fend for herself on the streets."

"You found her on the streets?!" The two of them say in unison. I suppose saying less is better in this situation.

"You could be in a lot of trouble, Gwen. Her parents are probably out looking for her and what are they going to think when they realize a celebrity has their child?" My publicist explains to me exactly what I knew was coming.

"Trust me, her mother isn't looking for her." I huff under my breath.

I know what I'm doing and I know the risks. I don't need it illustrated to me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" My manager questions and all sets of eyes are on me again. I hate this.

They then follow up with setting a time period in place for me to figure out what I'm going to do with Vivian whether that's sorting things out with her mother - which they really don't want - or finding her another place to stay, as in an orphanage or her mother's house.

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